• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Answer: you’re white, right? Few people who experience growing up black in America come away saying “what’s the big deal about race, anyway?”

    If you want to know what the big deal is with being black, there’s wonderful tradition in American literature of telling you all about it. Pick up a copy of Black Boy by Richard Wright for a place to start.

    Why are people making more of a thing out of it than they were 10 years ago? Well, my personal view is that the whole “just don’t talk about it and it will go away” has not worked. And has that ever worked for anything?

    People say that everyone has the same opportunities now. But life outcomes for white and black people are statistically quite different and it’s due to more than just talking about race. So I think people are getting sick of being quiet about something that clearly matters, and are talking about it openly. Others are responding by saying that talking about it is the entire problem and is, itself, racist. This is about the dumbest shit ever IMHO but some people are just really sick of having to hear about it and as a sheltered white person you have little personal reason to care. That is unless you care about other people.

    White people who are sick of hearing about it loooove that Morgan Freeman video. They love it. It tells them just what they want to hear. But one extemporaneous comment by a celebrity does not make a thorough analysis of the topic that works for everyone. So yeah, sorry about that.

  • You’re talking about people who work at a high level and might not type that much code. Thats definitely a thing.

    I’ve also got a junior front line engineer on my team who does literally nothing. It takes them 10x too long to do anything and they require so much help from seniors than it would be faster for them to do it themselves. One of the seniors told me “a sure fire way to make sure something doesn’t get done is to give it to them.”

    But gosh, it isn’t 10% of them that are like this. No way. This person is 1 in 500.

  • It’s a really tough job market. Don’t be afraid to take something shorter term if it moves your income from zero to something. Even if that something is not enough for the long term, it will buy you time. And should this continue on and on, you can look at what options you have to lower your living costs. No one wants to make such sacrifices, but they too can buy you time.

    Best of luck with the search.

  • Yeah you just keep on making assumptions about what I’m saying. You won’t be happy until I’m wearing a KKK hood and waving a torch so you can shoot me.

    Your hostile, continued pigeonholing and insistence on strictly defining the responses I’m allowed to give does not inspire me to continue further discussion with you. You are stuck on your narrative and will bend anything I say around it. Not interested.