Gonna try this
I feel like a lot of the images I’ve seen for this version of dalle have a very distinctive cartoonish style
Looks pretty surreal to me
“Pretty fly for a kunai”
Haha yes indeed therein lies the humor ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
Nice touch using opendyslexic
Yes all Americans are loud obnoxious and arrogant 🙄
It’s one of those things where it has become a word in and of itself because so many people use it that way
That’s actually really sweet, teaches them to not bottle up their emotions.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I forget to eat a lot of the time and it definitely makes you feel tired stressed and anxious
In a black car
Wyoming doesn’t even get the star lmao
I think so yes
I mean to be honest I wouldn’t say that we “die” at all when you sleep… your mind is extremely active while sleeping, it’s just disconnected from motor control.
Classic floating point blunder
I have no idea how to react to this lmao
This is something that I feel like Brave New World got a lot more right. In that book, people’s pleasures are their prisons.
Mr. Lovenstein has been improving lately