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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2023

  • I did not see that reply… 🤦 that does answer a lot of my questions. I wholeheartedly agree that using it to describe real people or canonically trans characters is bad.

    I have seen some people online get rather specific about their definition of “futa”. Some say that it has to be a character with both a penis and a vagina, but many people will use it to refer to characters that don’t have a vagina. It gets even more complicated when you start considering things like gender. I guess at the heart of this is a level of ambiguity that is often present in fictional works. I often will not know anything about the characters involved in a hentai image, and sometimes there isn’t any real “canonical” info to know in the first place. With Japanese content in particular there is a cultural and linguistic element that can make it even harder.

    It’s tricky, because I want to use language that allows all lgbt people to be comfortable, but at the same time there is a reason why a lot of online porn/fetish communities have coalesced around certain Japanese words (Japan makes good porn 😂). I would be perfectly happy getting rid of “futa” as a term, but there are decades worth of online content that are tagged with futa. I personally enjoy content that is described under a wide selection of terms, with varying degrees of overlap.

    I think some variation of “fem-penis” might be the best bet for inclusive language that is also useful for pornography. It allows for some wiggle room in the gender identity of the character and is less cumbersome to read and understand than “FPWP” imho.

    So I guess I don’t have a specific question any more, but I would love to hear your thoughts on dealing with gender ambiguity in fictional porn relating to this.

  • I used keybase briefly a couple years ago. Got bad vibes from some of the people I met and didn’t stick around. Had the same experience with some Matrix chats I’ve come across.

    I love finding Loli communities but I prefer to keep barriers between myself and any cp or irl content, as I am not interested in viewing or sharing such content. I felt like I was just one wrong click away from seeing something dangerous on some of those places. Much prefer Burggit’s style.

    That said, if you know of a chill community I wouldn’t mind checking them out!