For the past few weeks, I’ve been making an effort to cross-post more, in order to make sure that communities that I’m interested in have some content and attention. I’ve been primarily focused on keeping up a steady stream of posts to !teen_loli, but a lot of those also fit in on !rapehentai and !incest_hentai, and occasionally !bdsm_hentai_and_art or !bluearchive. I tend to stick to just posting to the two most relevant communities for any given post, though.

I also created and have been posting to !dickgirl_hentai, but I tend to refrain from cross-posting those elsewhere. I get the feeling that maybe people don’t want to see those posts, even if their fetishes are otherwise involved?

It feels like I’m creating/following a weird double-standard though. For rape/incest/etc content, I just tag the fetish in the title so that those that don’t want to see it can avoid clicking. I don’t think of trans women as a fetish though, so it feels weird to warn about them? Additionally, the original creator of !incest_hentai designated it as trans-inclusive (and I’ve done the same with !teen_loli), so it’s extra-weird to avoid cross-posting there, which is what got me thinking about this in the first place. What do?

As an aside, the name of !dickgirl_hentai has also been bothering me. I originally went with that because it’s what booru sites typically use to differentiate transgirl futanari from intersex. It feels kind of offensive though? Is there a better name that would still get the point across? Am I overthinking this?

    1 year ago

    Sure! First, did you see my reply to rinkan, in the comments that were lost to the time warp? If so, which of the three uses would you like me to clarify?

      1 year ago

      I did not see that reply… 🤦 that does answer a lot of my questions. I wholeheartedly agree that using it to describe real people or canonically trans characters is bad.

      I have seen some people online get rather specific about their definition of “futa”. Some say that it has to be a character with both a penis and a vagina, but many people will use it to refer to characters that don’t have a vagina. It gets even more complicated when you start considering things like gender. I guess at the heart of this is a level of ambiguity that is often present in fictional works. I often will not know anything about the characters involved in a hentai image, and sometimes there isn’t any real “canonical” info to know in the first place. With Japanese content in particular there is a cultural and linguistic element that can make it even harder.

      It’s tricky, because I want to use language that allows all lgbt people to be comfortable, but at the same time there is a reason why a lot of online porn/fetish communities have coalesced around certain Japanese words (Japan makes good porn 😂). I would be perfectly happy getting rid of “futa” as a term, but there are decades worth of online content that are tagged with futa. I personally enjoy content that is described under a wide selection of terms, with varying degrees of overlap.

      I think some variation of “fem-penis” might be the best bet for inclusive language that is also useful for pornography. It allows for some wiggle room in the gender identity of the character and is less cumbersome to read and understand than “FPWP” imho.

      So I guess I don’t have a specific question any more, but I would love to hear your thoughts on dealing with gender ambiguity in fictional porn relating to this.

        1 year ago

        – In this comment I assume a gender binary for clarity. Arguments extend naturally to gender spectrum! –

        I think you brushed on the most important detail here:

        It gets even more complicated when you start considering things like gender.

        I don’t think (and correct me if I am wrong) the term “futa” makes any assertion, a priori, on the gender of the character it references. The problem with our terminology in English is multifaceted:

        • There are not great distinctions in terminology between gender identifiers and sex identifiers. Some people use “woman/man” to refer to gender and “female/male” to refer to sex, but this is not a consensus in practically any community.
        • There are not great terms to refer to anything outside of the sex binary. There is intersex, but this is not useful for the case you describe as it does not describe genitalia consistently.

        So, unfortunately, we are stuck with either

        1. Inventing new words
        2. Using loan words
        3. Using phrases

        The first is nearly impossible for obvious reasons. The second is what we currently do with “futa” in combination with the third. I’ve seen “full-package futa” to refer to a character with a vagina, penis, and testicles, for example.

        I understand that people have different preferences for what they’re attracted to: people could want to see any combination of the three genitalia above, and so terms to refer to any such combination is reasonable. As long as it refers to non-real people (that does not allow artistic depictions of real people, to be clear), and is not used as a sole term1 for characters with canonical gender identities involving their assigned gender at birth2, “<adjective> futa” seems like a fine term to me.

        1: At this point, I am working within the framework that “<adjective> futa” is a sex identifier, not a gender identifier; thus, there is no reason to object to its use in conjunction with a gender identifier so long as it does not take the place of said gender identifier as appropriate.

        2: As a logical consequence one would also not like for “<adjective> futa” to be used in exclusion of “<adjective> futa woman”, where woman refers to gender. That being said, I am unsure if this is really necessary as it is unclear to me if one’s attraction to a “futa” character actually involves the gender of the character or only their sexual characteristics (after all, “futa” does describe sexual characteristics, so it would make sense that gender is not necessarily a factor for attraction here). As such, I only assert that it is problematic to use “futa” as a sole identifier when gender is made clear in the story. I mention assigned gender at birth since pronoun usage implicitly identifies a gender, more or less, which is a facet of language more than story-telling, and thus shouldn’t be the determining factor.

        Keep in mind, I am a transgender woman, not an intersex person or a transgender person who has had bottom surgery resulting in a set of genitalia differing from the sex binary. I think those groups can identify more closely with characters who are called “futa” in pornography, so I would love to hear from someone in either of those groups!