Something is blacked out at the bottom of the leaflet. Do you have an unredacted photo?
Run Linux in a VM and share the file system with macOS.
Parallels has really great integration.
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People who downvote care what you write.
Plenty of people on Lemmy demand Israel’s destruction in every comment section.
Israel can stay. Let’s invite Palestine as well.
Private Gefängnisse in Deutschland?
Agreed. Horse steak is delicious. It‘s leaner and tastes a little more gamey than beef.
Mods do similar bans all the time. How you mod your community is up to you.
Run it locally using
A forum where trolls congregate to gossip and organize harassment.
Standardizations and lower costs through economies of scale are great. However competition is also good, as is redundancy. Some strategic redundancy is also a good idea so the whole European defense doesn’t collapse because of something like Brexit or Orban in Hungary.
The requirements snd budgets for the armed forces vary significantly depending on the geography and infrastructure of a country and likely missions.
Having a military with diverse equipment means the enemy will have to learn about more systems and how to fight them.
Rifles make up a small part of the budget. Buying some weapons locally make them cheaper for the state as the money spent goes into the local economy and some of the cost flows back to the state in the form of taxes. So buying more expensive local weapons can be cheaper overall than importing a seemingly cheaper weapon.
Do you think it‘s all unpaid volunteer work?
Russia also does left wing propaganda. Their goal is chaos and division.
States can cooperate to share infrastructure directly.
I bought a cheap arm based Linux laptop a couple of years ago. The official distribution with full hardware support never received any updates. ARMbian didn’t fully support the hardware more than a year later. E.g. no sound output.
Looks like it’s still rough around the edges.
KDE Plasma 6.0 introduced experimental HDR support for Wayland session.
DRM clients can directly pass HDR metadata, but this is not available from regular userspace clients, only specialized software can use it.
Web browsers: No web browsers support HDR on Linux at this time.
Valve’s Steam compositor gamescope offers experimental HDR support.
Is that a sand filled hourglass with wings on the left?
Strategische Unabhängigkeit und Flexibilität sind viel wert.
Taste is friendlier. Horse is between beef and venison.