There is also a company called palantir which is pretty much a cyberpunk corporate distopia surveillance company.
There is also a company called palantir which is pretty much a cyberpunk corporate distopia surveillance company.
Or you use one GreenPak device and OTP it based on the model and have it cheaper and more reliable, any supporting circuits like drivers, FETs, bulk capacitance, etc… Would have to be designed per-model anyway on MCU based design.
It’s a fascist oligarchy vs a democratic oligarchy.
(Some aspects used to be democratically decided on even though the oligarchs gave the only bad options, now the oligarchs just do whatever the hell they want, tear things apart and dispose of their enemies in broad daylight)
Brown shirts are essentially what ICE and the USAF is right now. Hitler’s thugs that will hurt whoever he wants because they want to hurt people and they get a free pass to hurt “the right” people. They also his their identity “to protect the troops” from people who would do the right thing and confront serial murderers and abusers.
So congrats on ICE and the arguably most far reaching branch of the US military being drumpler’s boot-deepthroating lackey henchmen.
In Germany there was a word for people “that were good people just following orders”. Nazis & war criminals
Interesting, what is it that makes jellyfin a ton of work? I upgrade sometimes when i remember to and beyond that it just runs without touching it unless i want to mess around with trying new beta features.
From what I remember, Seagate has a rough year most years when it comes to reliability. Especially the 12TBs. But to be fair, most of the Seagate drives are >1 year older than the WD drives. Though when you compare then to the old HGSTs with a 0.08% average failure rate 😅
Also the 22TB WD drives at 1% after less than 2 years of service. Oof.
2 x 0 is still zero. Checks out.
Probably a way to force ad viewing and DRM, knowing Google.
“Oh no, I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face when I voted for the person who said they would fuck me over.”
Often it will yell at you every day and be very intrusive, not actually disconnect from the internet and force join any old WiFi connections/any non-password protected ones, or simply refuse to work unless you connect them (I think some people were saying newer Samsung TVs do that)
Neither are all but the cheapest smart TVs.
It’s called double and triple dipping. Every single company that can get away with double, triple, quadruple dipping can and does.
Buying the initial product + Subscription + selling your data + dropping support to force you to buy a new product is quite commonplace. The old mantra of “if you are not paying, you are the product” doesn’t apply anymore because most companies do both.
Honestly, crowdsec with the nginx bouncer is all you need security-wise to start experimenting. It isn’t perfect security, but it is way more comprehensive than fail2ban for just getting started and figuring more out later.
Here is my traefik-based crowdsec docker composer:
image: crowdsecurity/crowdsec:latest
container_name: crowdsec
- $USERDIR/dockerconfig/crowdsec/acquis.yaml:/etc/crowdsec/acquis.yaml
- $USERDIR/data/Volumes/crowdsec:/var/lib/crowdsec/data/
- $USERDIR/dockerconfig/crowdsec:/etc/crowdsec/
- $DOCKERDIR/traefik2/traefik.log:/var/log/traefik/traefik.log:ro
- web
restart: unless-stopped
image: docker.io/fbonalair/traefik-crowdsec-bouncer:latest
container_name: bouncer-traefik
CROWDSEC_AGENT_HOST: crowdsec:8080
- web # same network as traefik + crowdsec
- crowdsec
restart: unless-stopped
external: true
https://github.com/imthenachoman/How-To-Secure-A-Linux-Server this is a more in-depth crash course for system-level security but hasn’t been updated in a while.
Come on, this is Lemmy where every person is a self-enlightened “intellectual” and any argument that they don’t like or don’t have a response for is a fallacy of one of the 2-3 that they can remember at the moment (always strawman and no true Scotsman) and of course then the opposing always completely invalid with no counter argument. (Even that this in itself is the fallacy fallacy lol)
Every metaphor, simile, or analogy is a strawman,every definition is a no true Scotsman, and every history book, report, research, or scientific studies is an appeal to authority 😉
Lol ssh has no reason to be port exposed in 99% of home server setups.
VPNs are extremely easy, free, and wireguard is very performant with openvpn also fine for ssh. I have yet to see any usecase for simply port forwarding ssh in a home setup. Even a public git server can be tunneled through https.
There is a foss app called “drinkable” that is very good and under very active development.
Trakt also sells your data off to whoever wants it even though they explicitly say that they don’t. https://trakt.tv/privacy
I hadn’t had anything on any ad service about harry potter in years. Never searched anything about it or anything. Watched a quarter of one movie via jellyfin on linux completely locally with the trakt plugin. A few hours later I had harry potter advertisements everywhere that I don’t have an ad blocker.
Using the official company social media to double down on what the CEO said = company policy = how company will act
People on all social media really can’t seem to understand that the choices aren’t exclusively “everything has a perfect open source, non-profit utopia” and “fuck it, everyone is corrupt so it doesn’t matter what service you use.”
You are able to do what you can, where you can, to mitigate risks and try your best not to support fascists. Especially when there are a dozen alternatives.
Then again, maybe people are just arguing in bad faith.
Cops will literally have long term relationships and marry the person they are spying on when it comes to eco-activism.
The oil companies have such incredibly firm control over the worlds’ police forces that they have cops have long term sexual relationships with people opposing their ecocide and spy on them the entire time.
I think you will find that almost all grants either come from a corporation or a government. Crazy isn’t it? A very small amount comes from non-profits and often those nonprofits are majority funded by governments and corporations.
Aren’t people here conflating intrusive thoughts vs the call of the void? I remember someone explaining it to me a bit like this:
Intrusive thoughts are often violent and more “you need to kill yourself right now, jump in front of that train!” Or “push that person down the stairs now, do it!!!”
Where call of the void is much more passive as in “what if/I could I jumped in front of a train right now” or “if I pushed that person down the stairs right now, they would probably get very hurt” and extends to things like “I could just drop my phone in a sewer grate”
My understanding is that everyone™ gets the second but a lot less people get the first. I also get the second but not the first. I could be wrong because it was a random person that explained it to me.