The pinnacle of innovation if you ask me.
The pinnacle of innovation if you ask me.
There is a lot of accessible distros, but the issue is that people have been using an OS for so long that it is hard to switch and relearn a new workflow.
Asking for everything to be done for you is just asking for another bloatware/spyware OS (see how Ubuntu is slowly going that way for example).
Unless you have a tool that you can’t live without, bite the bullet and make the jump. It will suck for a 2-3 weeks, but it is worth it.
Own that shit. Be weird, awkwardness is normal and we need to make it so.
The movies feel like toddlers making up the story as they play with figurines.
Nothing stops people from mix matching backup media.
If I lose the series I downloaded versus my family photos, not the same impact.
She had 10 children, she knows her way around.
They will be there when I am done with relaxing, they can wait.
Ubuntu is one of the easiest distro to get into Linux in my experience.
I am currently running Linux Mint and it had a lot of issues one both my machines (laptop and PC). Never had these issues with Ubuntu. I am waiting to finish my client’s project before I am dropping Linux Mint.
Part of the issue is that Dems, and normal people in general, act like Republicans have any sense of shame, decency and self-awareness. They don’t.
So Dems going in front of the camera trying to shame these people in doing the right thing. It hasn’t work for decades and certainly won’t work now.
So they need to use any and every tools at their disposal, and clash with Republicans. There is no more talking sense that will work.
In the scolding hot summer, I only like ice in my beverage because of an campaign in the 30s, not because it makes the drink colder and feels more refreshing.
Bots are cheap to write. That’s naive to think there wasn’t a disinformation war going on with bots being on the forefront of it.
Because all these people are grandstanding. Politicians will do what politicians do best : empty words and things will only get worst and people writing these articles will pat themselves on the back and say they did they part.
COVID has shown us that nothing will change short of a bloody revolution.
The value of loops right now is the attention it is getting. Buyers are trying to swoop in early and bet that they can capitalize on the growth to get more money from other investors.
VC are gambling money as always
Absolutely, and we’ll have to deal with US until Pangaea, but what I’m frustrated about is that COVID and the first Trump presidency should have been a wake up call and try to find solutions to make Canada more resilient to the US market.
But it has been status quo and our quality of life has been left to degrade with nothing to show for it.
So our politicians will slap counter tariffs, change jack shit and pat themselves on the back.
We are a big fucking country with a lot of resources but it seems like each province would rather trade with the US than with other provinces.
I don’t even have a hook. But I’ve seen videos
It started with a paid horse armor and he we are.
The worst part is now with the second one where he understands what we say, but doesn’t care and tries to kill himself creatively with everything he finds. The constant surveillance is draining me. It was the same with the first one.
We’re almost over the bump, the sun is coming back so better days are ahead, but in the moment, right now, I feel stuck and drained and my family life isn’t fun.
I know it will come to pass, but I’d punch a hole in the universe right now if I could
I am feeling that hard right now. Since we’ve had kids, I’ve worked hard to stay on top of everything and keeping mental loads off my partner for 4 years now and it is blowing up in my face right now.
Rant time.
My oldest was sick a lot this week so we kept her at home. My GF told me we’ll split the babysitting.
What really happened is me taking all the babysitting duty until nap time. When we go out at restaurants with family, my GF always joke that she doesn’t even remember that we have a second kid since he’s well behaved. Well yeah he is well behaved because I take care of both kids while she socialize. Otherwise we have two kids that can’t stay in place (normal for kids).
Other than the daily chores, nothing else ever get done if I don’t do it.
Taking the trash out? Me. Repairing the drawer that broke? Me. Doing the taxes? It will go months overdue if I don’t do it.
I was so afraid of me dumping all the mental load on her that now I am stuck doing everything that isn’t daily chores. I am trying to communicate that to her, but it’s not working, so I am trying to find other ways so that I can get heard without having to get mad to do so.
It’s been 4 years now, with two kids and I feel the toll it takes each day more and more.
I am trying to change things around by communicating and setting expectations, but how many times do I need to communicate the same things and set the sames expectations for them to be recognized without having to explicitly state them? When the same situation happens over and over, I shouldn’t have to communicate and set expectations after 4 years of doing the same thing.
Not sure what I trying to convey here.
I am trying to not be what the society is telling me I should be as a father, so I end up doing everything, and getting pushback when I am telling people that I am toasted and I need a break.
There is more to the circumstances and it’s the worst of winter right now, so seasonal depression weight a lot right now. I feel like I am making it worst than it really is, but this is how I feel at the moment.
Rant over. Thanks for reading
Gotta be fucking gay to have hot steamy sex with a woman and love your kids.
Freedoms are seeping out of your pockets, you should get that checked.