one of my old companies billed monthly, but it wasnt setup to be the same day every month - they charged every 30 days.
i found that weird.
one of my old companies billed monthly, but it wasnt setup to be the same day every month - they charged every 30 days.
i found that weird.
[to cashier] “excuse me, ma’am, i can’t seem to find the button to not leave a tip. can you show me where it is?”
ya know, so they can work from home while the employees are forced to be in the office…
I am not “boy”, I am “Supreme Commander Gazbog, trilord of the seven kingdoms, archduke of omicron perseii 4 & union leader of the teamsters local 644”, and you will address me as such…
i had one of these when i was growing up - it was awesome.
now i am 40 and fondly remember that one while using the shitty wooden stick with a rubber dome.
where did you find this beauty?
my father was this way - i didnt get to know the real him until i was in my mid-late 20’s. though i think its great that he can be himself again, there is a bit of resentment that i didnt mean enough to him to stop working for once and interact with me on a human level while growing up.
we arent super close, but we are friendly to each other. having slightly less money by working less and spending more time with the kid would mean you have to find some free things to do… #worth
there has been a meme making the rounds about “if you work really hard this could be you” with a picture of a gravestone saying you worked hard. dont be that guy <3
i hated DEI at my old company because i was forced to berate someone in class while standing in front of the class. i would have gotten reprimanded/fired if i did not complete the course, and this was required for the course.
at my current conpany, i understand why DEI is important. fuck my old company. it was the worst.
i turn my pc off when im not using it to save power; i thought this was normal.
im sad my 20 year ild one just died, but we are going to get a heat pump instead of fixing the broken one. the broken one uses the super toxic old stuff (even though it worked very well, it was missing parts, and hadnt been serviced for a very long time, heh)
this was the google agreement; android.
let me guess… the low performers are virtue signalling…
“Waltzing”. cool people dance to 3:3
turning on a phone for the first time after purchase forces contractual agreement to be tracked. there is no decline button (at least on my motorola razr+ 2023). i hate this world.
everybody knows that the best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago, but the second best time is now…
Halo 5 whole house filter. it then goes through the filter in my fridge because its colder than the tap (lasts forever now, tho)
We need your help, Premature Ejactulation Man!
the fine print for their comparison charts said they were not tested equally; they just made up different benchmarking conditions for each card to make a 1st party slide. you are absolutely right on calling out their BS <3
always wait for 3rd party benchmarks. if you are looking for accurate 3rd party benchmarks, gamers nexus and hardware unboxed have extremely good standards for benchmarking (youtube)
i own a gun whose sole purpose of being manufactured was to kill himans - it is a war rifle.
i have killed as many things with it as i want to: zero.
i am not a gun nut, but i do enjoy the history of it. i learned a lot about yugoslavia just because i was curious about the time period it came from.
i agree that some guns are created with the sole purpose of killing people… i just dont feel like killing people with it. never have, never will (its not for protection, etc… its for history)