The Green Party submitted 29,500 petition signatures so its candidates could be included on the ballot, which was roughly three times as many as needed. Nevada Democratic Party then sued, claiming some were signed too far in the past or seem altered, making them invalid.

    23 days ago




    Unlike many things… electoral reform is 100% possible at the state level. We don’t need federal reform to do away with First Past The Post voting.

    Perhaps it’s to late to accomplish electoral reform for this election without a general strike… but don’t fool yourself that electing democrats will automatically solve our artificially limited electoral system woes.

    Democrats admit themselves they understand the flaws of FPTP voting. They are 10,000% fully aware.

    Just go anywhere online or leave your basement and go IRL (eww) and talk to a liberal about voting 3rd party. They will fully inform you that your vote will be wasted, how it will be a spoiler for the election. This admission has not just their hands covered in red, the whole town is painted red. The democrats KNOW about the mathematical flaws of the voting system. They bring it up EVERY SINGLE ELECTION.

    Yet… First Past The Post voting persists in blue states. Who is stopping this reform, election after election, if the republicans are not in power on these states? If it’s not the republicans, who wholeheartedly support FPTP voting, then who? Who is even left in a two party system? No where to hide blue conservatives, you’ve shown your hand.

    Maine and Alaska have already accomplished this task, what the hell is the hold up in states democrats control?

    Cast your “damage control vote part 69” this election. But don’t leave it at that. Don’t wait another 2 years and go “well guys, guess we have to vote lemon lime flavored genocide light again”. Fuck that. Fix this shit. Fix it in your state. We all know that you understand the problem. So stop fucking ignoring it!