Lebanon's last major operational power plant was forced to shut down completely due to the lack of fuel, resulting in a total power outage across all Lebanese territories, the country's electricity company said on Saturday "Electricité du Liban [EDL] reports that a forced exit took place this afternoon: On August 17, 2024, the last production group of the al-Zahrani factory remaining on the electrical network is completely out of service," a statement by the company said. It added that it was a
This article is a more-serious look at the topic, goes into some of the contributing problems. It does sound like quite a mess.
I do think that solar is often over-sold in terms of ignoring drawbacks, but according to this, the electrical utility was (until now) managing to provide about 6.5% of demand. When things are that bad, even erratic power from solar is going to beat erratic power from the grid.
The problem with tacking battery storage onto the thing in that context is that you’re basically just using it to game the rationing system. With something like solar or wind, the energy is inexpensive when it’s available. Solar and wind have problems with being intermittent, and adding buffering helps with that. But when you’re generating your electricity via oil, which is an expensive source of energy, then this just means that the people wealthy enough to do so will buy their own storage to suck more out of the state generation capacity when the grid is still active. Due to the costs of battery storage, that makes it more-expensive for them and it means that the people who can’t do that are getting an even smaller slice of the pie. It increases load when there is power being provided to the region and thus forces the government to have the power active for even less time in any given area.
In other words there’s no system of selling surplus solar power back to the grid. So part of the energy is wasted. This is what happens when state is run by morons