“While attempting to take the man into custody, he did not comply with multiple commands to stop, and he physically resisted when troopers tried to remove him from the car,” a state police statement said.
    “Troopers shot the man when he continued to drive in a manner that placed officers in imminent danger,” the statement continued.

    Why kill him, though? Why even try to pull him out of the car? Cops have the perp cornered in his car, so why didn’t they let the air out of all four tires, and sit in the squad car eating doughnuts until he gets bored and gives up?

  • BourneHavoc@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Well, the police are there to basically protect the property of wealthy individuals and corporations. They don’t do jack shit for private, middle or lower class individuals except “file a police report” for the stolen belongings. But if you try to walk out of a store with merchandise, you’re fucked, because it’s the wealthy that they are paid to protect.