When more than 1 person is speaking it feels like making sure the listener awareness and information about the topic is not the priority, while podcasts where 1 person is speaking, prioritize the listener as the top priority with higher ability to explain and inform.

I know that interviews and talks is one genre of podcasts, but I feel like they should not exist as they are very illogical in order and they seem to not inform, educate or entertain probably.

  • I_Fart_Glitter@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Interesting opinion! I really enjoy interview type podcasts like This American Life and The Hidden Brain, and those two wouldn’t be possible without two people talking, as the interviewees wouldn’t know how to shape the narrative for a podcast and the interviewer doesn’t have the life experience of the person they are asking questions. Upvote for unpopularness!