Eggs, Salmon, Chicken Breast and Edamame are some of my favorites on the list.

    2 months ago

    Oh boy, one of these… Someone just trying to justify foods that they like.

    Antioxidant people are ridiculous. Studies have shown marginal results at best for anti oxidant rich diets IIRC. A nice benefit, but not something to base a lifestyle around…

    Peanut butter is NOT a good source of protein unless you are trying to bulk or have a high fat diet. If you sort foods by protein per 100 calories or similar, nut butters drop off the list. Wheat bread literally has more protein than peanut butter. Beans and lentils have the same protein at a fraction of the calories. Not to mention that many peanut butters are made with palm oil with high saturated fat to keep costs down.

    100g of Almonds literally have the same amount of fiber as 120g of black beans with more than 3x the calories and significant cost difference.

    By this person’s reasoning, why is Tofu, wheat bread, raspberries (the food with the highest fiber per calorie of any food I have found), tempeh, etc… Not on the list while tomatoes, oranges, lemons, and watermelon, which is literally sugar water. Don’t get me wrong, I love and eat all of them, but it is not a health super food to “eat every day.” They are fine, but they aren’t pinnacles of nutrition… They add flavor, texture, and acid to dishes to round them out, and because they are good sources of flavor, you don’t need a ton of them to build a meal. They aren’t a source of nutrition. You aren’t going to eat 10 large tomatoes in a sitting to get less protein and fiber than a small bowl of legumes…

    When you list 35 foods, you are just listing a broad portion of foods you like. What is the point of this besides half of it being pseudoscience “miracle compounds” inside chosen foods like this crap:

    which, among other useful traits, may stimulate collagen synthesis to keep skin looking supple.

    Just eat lots of all sorts of vegetables, berry fruit, eggs, and beans and lentils, and try a bunch of different recipes from different cultures and you will be healthy and have a wide variety of flavors to not bore you. It is not complicated and you don’t have to follow blog lists…