• Dasus@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    You acting that childish — proudly — is honestly making me sad in real life.

    The implication of the first comment of this thread is that there are “both sides” to this. There aren’t. Who exactly is saying “Palestine is committing a genocide on Israelis?”

    Trying to pretend both sides are in any way “as bad” is exactly the type of shitty propaganda Israel keeps pushing. The same type of rhetoric the Nazis used. It’s so fucking ironic that Jewish people are now committing the heinous crimes they were the victims of 100 years ago.

    • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3 days ago

      The implication of the first comment of this thread is that there are “both sides” to this. There aren’t. Who exactly is saying “Palestine is committing a genocide on Israelis?”

      what an incredibly naive and basic take on a geo political (historical) conflict that is still ongoing.

      If we’re going to analyze this from a clinical perspective, as would be implied by “both sides” we need to consider the actions of both sides, independently to each other. In a manner that is unrelated. This is the only way to truly “both sides” something.

      Looking at it in any other capacity is entirely irresponsible and disingenuous at best.

      Only a literal child considers both sides exclusively in the capacity of “genocide” in this case. This is like saying that the US won the space race because we got to the moon and back, with people. Even though the USSR did literally everything else before the US did.

      • Dasus@lemmy.world
        22 hours ago

        Only a literal child considers both sides exclusively in the capacity of “genocide” in this case. This is like saying that the US won the space race because we got to the moon and back, with people. Even though the USSR did literally everything else before the US did.

        Even a lot of literal children realise that trying to equate Israel and Palestine as being equally guilty here is not like comparing the US space program to the Soviet’s. It’s more like comparing the US space program to the Ghanan space program.

        You just can’t accept any fault on Israel’s part, because you’re a pathetic genocide denier, denying rape and slaughter of children.

        UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

        The report holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the ongoing catastrophic situation in Gaza. But it also alludes to the possibility that October 7 is a watershed moment for even harsher Israeli occupation unless international law is urgently implemented.

        Israel is sanctioned for committing “crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment.”

        In clear and deliberate violation of international law, Israel intended to commit these crimes: to murder civilians en masse, inflict wide-scale civilian destruction, and collectively punish and dehumanize Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians were murdered. They didn’t die as collateral damage or as unintended victims of Israeli military operations, but as Israel’s deliberate targets.

        There the truth goes, being objective again. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

        • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          15 hours ago

          Even a lot of literal children realise that trying to equate Israel and Palestine as being equally guilty here is not like comparing the US space program to the Soviet’s. It’s more like comparing the US space program to the Ghanan space program.

          i’m not equating them.

          You just can’t accept any fault on Israel’s part,

          i have, numerous times. You’re just lying through your teeth here.

          i like how the section you block quote doesnt even once mention the word “genocide” in it. You’re still pulling it out of your ass.

          • Dasus@lemmy.world
            4 hours ago

            i have, numerous times. You’re just lying through your teeth here.

            I’m still on the edge of whether you’re incredibly stupid or actually that bad at lying.

            So you admit that Israel is undeniably indiscriminately bombing civilians, like all the reports show? And you won’t start rambling and equivocating with the exact garbage that Israel tries to deny these accusations with?

            UN Commission Finds Israel Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

            >The report holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the ongoing catastrophic situation in Gaza. But it also alludes to the possibility that October 7 is a watershed moment for even harsher Israeli occupation unless international law is urgently implemented.
            >Israel is sanctioned for committing “crimes against humanity of extermination, gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys, murder, forcible transfer, and torture and inhuman and cruel treatment.”
            >In clear and deliberate violation of international law, Israel intended to commit these crimes: to murder civilians en masse, inflict wide-scale civilian destruction, and collectively punish and dehumanize Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians were murdered. They didn’t die as collateral damage or as unintended victims of Israeli military operations, but as Israel’s deliberate targets.

            So if you’re not disavowing that, you understand and agree that Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity. But you don’t, so you’ll continue with some other pathetic grade-school level attempt at saying you’re not saying what you’re saying.

      • Dasus@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        So angry at me and sore at losing the argument that instead of just replying with your usual garbage, you replied to three different comments of mine; one on a completely different post (so you got so mad you started stalking my profile, hahahah), then this one, and lastly in the actual thread itself.

        Just a proudly American fool who’s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

        https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/2024-05/240520-panel-report-eng.pdf https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses

        Oh, right, sorry, I just remembered you’re proudly ignorant and probably your literacy matches that attitude, so something… more to your level:






        People like you disgust me, but as I don’t want to be as shit of a person as you, I actually reply in good faith. People like you just tie yourself in knots.

        • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          2 days ago

          So angry at me and sore at losing the argument that instead of just replying with your usual garbage, you replied to three different comments of mine; one on a completely different post (so you got so mad you started stalking my profile, hahahah), then this one, and lastly in the actual thread itself.

          if we’re being factually accurate here, it should be four no? You left two comments in reply to one comment i made that i split into two separate ones due to word limit. And then i responded to this one, and another one about harry potter, and possibly a fifth one, though i’d have to go check it to be sure.

          Just a proudly American fool who’s denying that Israel is committing war crimes like these.

          demonstrate it.

          nice copy pasta btw, try harder. You’re clearly tired from being wrong so often.