I’m not trying to police language too much
You didn’t. Fair criticism.
It appears there’s not, so that’s good.
I sure like to think so but we’re all biased.
I’m not trying to police language too much
You didn’t. Fair criticism.
It appears there’s not, so that’s good.
I sure like to think so but we’re all biased.
Would you object to “treasonous cunt”? (Keep in mind my English sensibilities are that of the UK more than US.)
I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if you do.
However “agent” doesn’t convey the meaning I wanted. It lacks the emphasis of Putin being the one who asserts the terms.
I’m sorry for enjoying outdated flowery language.
The humorous bit isn’t being gay. It’s “Trump is a piece of pudding and Putin is an actual ruthless KGB trained wily politician who learned during the Soviets and will manipulate Trump easily”.
I apologise for any offense. None was meant. Well, not towards sexual minorities. I meant to imply submissiveness, not homophobia. The problem here is also that some of these terms are okay to use within certain communities but you can’t know whether I frequent or identify with any of them. (Some I do identify with, although not too deeply, but let’s not get into my sexuality/gender it’s no excuse for the language I use.)
Anyway, 100% my bad, youre right, in sentiment at least if not entirely rhetorically.
I’m genuinely asking out of good faith here ; “agent” seems too clinical and without any negative connotation I wish to attach. I understand my choice of insult was in poor taste, so might I as for alternatives? (If you choose not to high-road me for why we should insult Trump and Putin, that is.)
Gay rights and trans rights are human rights and if anyone wants to take them away I’m gonna identify as a problem. But… I’m also sometimes liberal with language. I’m open-minded to improving mine, but also use mine with confidence and sometimes it results in poor choices. Mea culpa.
Oh well that’d be it then, yeah.
Apologies for having what was perhaps an agecentric take.
All right. Seems I’m out of the times with that one.
Duly noted.
How’d you miss that?
Holmes & Watson, House & Wilson.
The name “House” is a play on “Holmes” (with English pronunciation, a homophone for “homes”)
There’s a ton:
And breaking the rules is pretty much always justified.
Well, for cops shows and in the format.
Spoilers for House. The later seasons actually came out during the time when shoes were moving from episodic to serialised. And as the show had always recognises House as being very reckless, it was easy to write an overarching plot to the later seasons where he actually faces consequences for his behaviour and personal problems.
So unlike in cop shows, House actually does face the issue of his drug abuse and his abusive behaviour. Even going to prison at one point, albeit not for any medical shit he pulled.
The show definitely has a strong anti-authoritarian taste compared to cop shows. House is a philosopher and always improving and questioning morals whereas cops just “follow orders” and break the law to achieve “justice” (which they have a perverted view which they got through shitty propaganda and don’t question.)
Would “Trump’s bitch” be better?
Perhaps if I’d written “Putin and Trump are in a loving dom-sub relationship where Trump loves getting directions from his dom on what to do with the US”?
Not all insults are -phobic. I could call you a dog and make it every offensive despite me utterly loving dogs.
I think it was probably not that bothersome when it came out — seeing as it was nigh two decade ago. Society has changed.
But i congratulate those 00’'-10’s producers for putting in what they did.
It’s still handles kinda nicely at points, showing them clearly learning from the new values begrudgingly imposed.
It’s not exactly hateful most times, but it is harmful.
Trump is Putin’s bumboy sensual but submissive lover and will pretend to “negotiate” only to hand Ukraine a list of demands written by Putler. And Ukraine doesn’t acquiesce, Trump will do everything he can do block US aid to Ukraine.
Weirdly there’s always so few comments on threads on this community.
Especially from .ml and other shits
Slava Ukraini
You’re the one whining, buddy.
Oh. Greet your boss like this for the next week:
Let me know how “the common man” treats you after you start doing that in public.
I think theyre happily and quite purposefully extinguishing (one of) the life(s) of the other one.
Apparently my accident wasn’t as bad, but I cut off these FUBU jeans around that same age, wore them to go swimming. Went to take a piss at one point and the caught my foreskin in the zipper. Not badly, luckily, so didn’t need medical attention nor got permanent injuries.
But the sound that I let out was one of those “echoes comically far and birds in the trees take off” yells.
I think it’d be more effective if the perp got away with it.
More fear for the billionaires.
It’s a euphemism from the 60’s, saying “mentally retarded” instead of “moron”, “imbecile” or “idiot”, which were actual medical terms. https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/moron-idiot-imbecile-offensive-history
That’s like you arguing that the n-word isn’t a slur because it derives from “a definition”, a colour. Or more accurately a euphemism for the n-word would be non-offensive per your logic.
I don’t know if you realised, but I’m not talking about shows from the 70’s and 80’s, but of shows which are from 2006 and 2008 and which have the main character be of that modern era and then experience the 70’s/80’s through the lens of someone from ~2007.
Yeah I was born in the 80’s, I definitely know that feel. My brain still defaults to calculating things as if it were 2000. “The 70’s? That’s 30 years ago.”
Yea he can discuss it.
The Danish answer will be “Bliv kneppet din orange klovn”