We will have a scheduled downtime this weekend 8/9th of June to upgrade our instance to the latest Lemmy version.

It requires some smaller under the hood changes and testing, but shouldn’t take longer than 2-3 hours.

I’ll comment below when I can say more precisely what time this will take place.

  • poVoq@slrpnk.netOPM
    25 days ago

    There is some bug with the post forms, yes. It is especially noticable on cross posts. But at least here it doesn’t prevent using the function entirely.

    • activistPnk@slrpnk.net
      25 days ago

      not sure what you mean by “doesn’t prevent using the function entirely.” Do you mean the function is available for those who install another browser? My current theory is that the create post function is 100% broken for Ungoogled Chromium users, but probably operational for people running 3rd party clients or Firefox. Considering Ungoogled Chromium is based on the single most popular browser (Chromium), vanilla Chromium users are probably also impacted, which seems serious.

      The form should probably display a loud warning about this. Someone might opt to write the body of their post as a very first step, before the title. They could put a substantial effort into writing a long text and then see it all vanish the instant they click the title field. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s work thrown away like that.

      I would roll back to the previous version if there is no fix for this.

      (edit) Are there any stats kept on user agent strings? It might give a clue on the number of users affected.

      (edit2) history

      I guess it’s worth noting a bit of history. For quite some time (maybe a year or more) Ungoogled Chromium did not work on any Lemmy site for me. Tor Browser did. After upgrading a couple months ago, UC worked on all Lemmy sites. But now Lemmy is dysfunctional again on 19.4. Works fine on Lemmy 19.3.

      • poVoq@slrpnk.netOPM
        25 days ago

        Hmm, I would need to check but with Firefox and derivatives it does work with only minor issues with the main lemmy-ui.

        Can you try changing the theme in your settings to rule out any problems with our custom theme? It’s just some CSS though, so I doubt that can cause problems like that.

        • activistPnk@slrpnk.net
          25 days ago

          i just switched to hanubeki cold. Same problem.

          Also another problem I forgot to mention: the main timeline is trapped on the local view. When I click on all, subscribed, or moderator view, there is no effect. The button highlights in parallel to the local button, but does not stick. It just refreshes the local timeline.

          • poVoq@slrpnk.netOPM
            25 days ago

            All the Hanubeki themes are custom, try one of the standard Lemmy ones.

            Otherwise I sadly can’t replicate what you are seeing.

                • activistPnk@slrpnk.net
                  11 days ago

                  One other Lemmy instance is on 0.19.4, and that also has the same problem:

                  Ungoogled Chromium: the create post form erases the fields after tabbing out of them. Tor Browser (firefox based): no issues with the create post form.

                  Now slrpnk is on 0.19.5, along with two other Lemmy nodes I tested this on. The create post form is working in this version with Ungoogled Chromium.

                  timeline selector broken

                  There is another problem that was introduced with version 0.19.4 and still persists in 0.19.5: There are four possible timeline views: subscribed, local, all, moderator view. That selector is broken in Ungoogled Chromium 112 but not in Firefox-based browsers. In UC, I click “moderator view” and the button highlights as I click it, the page refreshes, but the selector does not stick. It is trapped in the “local” view and only shows the local timeline.

                  This problem is replicated in other 0.19.4 and 0.19.5 instances.


                  Actually there is still a problem with 0.19.4 w.r.t. post creation. And this affects Firefox too: if I use the cross-post feature to copy the post elsewhere, the form is populated just fine but then I have to search for the target community at the bottom of the form. As soon as I select the target community, the whole rest of the form clears. I have not yet tested this specific scenario in 0.19.5.

                  • poVoq@slrpnk.netOPM
                    11 days ago

                    I think the cross-post issue was fixed in 0.19.5 as well. As for the other issue in 0.19.5 (only on Chromium), can you make a bug report on the lemmy-ui github repo for it please?