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Windows constantly says “this could harm your computer.” Just about any time you install software it does.
Remember when Linus Sebastian blew up Pop!_OS? As a Windows user, “This is likely to break your computer, do not do this unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. To proceed, type “Yes, do as I say.”” is something to walk right past.
Damn so thats why he ignored the warning… I never understood how he could write Yes, do as I say! by ignoring the obvious warning.
It seemed like he intentionally brick the system just to complain linux is bad
I’ve done big forensic write-ups of it in the past and mapped it to the FAA’s accident chain model. It just so happened that he was using a distro with a weird forked DE (Pop!_OS) and just so happened that the version of the Steam package in the apt cache from when the install image was made was bugged in such a way that it would uninstall Xorg, and it just so happened that Pop!_OS didn’t run an apt update when launching their GUI app manager.
When Linus saw “failed to install Steam” he turned the petulant child up to 11 and started bitching about how you always have to use the terminal in Linux, and instead of googling the error message to find out “do an update and try again” he found a page that told him how to sudo apt install steam. Most instructions like that tell you do to an apt update before an apt install, so I don’t know if he either aggressively skimmed, deliberately ignored the update command because he’s used to how painful Windows updates are, or if he found a source that didn’t include it.
APT spat out a lot of stdout about all the packages it was going to remove, with a highlighted plaintext warning at the end which he failed to read or failed to heed.
Linus’ bad attitude was a major contributing factor to the incident.
I too wrote something similiar here
But didn’t expect it was Windows mentality to ignore all hazardous warnings
I think it played a part.
To be fair, you can nuke your entire OS with a single command on Windows too.
Don’t even need a command. I’ve seen people brick their windows install messing around with registry keys. Most of my coworkers and friends think I’m some sort of wizard because I follow the instructions to the letter if I have any reason to run regedit.
This is what got me started on linux lol
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To be fair I never downloaded 20 sketchy looking zip files from some ODM manufacture website just to get my hardware working. I also didn’t need to reboot my computer 40 times while installing drivers, software, and updates.
I didn’t have my motherboard, mouse, and fan controller auto install junky apps that never works and advertised new products constantly. I didn’t have to try to uninstall adware just to find out you can’t uninstall half of it. I didn’t have to Google some esoteric regedit voodo just to add features back or disable anti-features.
I don’t get full screen ads for OneDrive and office 365 begging me to switch to a Microsoft account every other update. I don’t have to go to each and every manufacturers website to search for updates. Or create an account, login to it, and have it run in the background 247 just to not work when an update needs to be applied.
Have windows install updates in the background while playing games, or doing CPU intensive tasks like transcoding / video editing(often crashing the application).
Having to use the terminal on my Linux install every once in a blue moon crosses the line though. I might switch to windows and deal with all that instead.😂
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I was just having fun with it. It really took a lot to make me switch to Linux in reality. For me anyway it was more the better polish from wayland and the ability to play games that made me finally switch. All my tools were already there which I understand most people can’t say.
I never liked windows much after 7. Mostly used it like a flathead screwdriver, I curse when I have to use it over a Philips (slippery lil fuckers) but it’s the first tool I grab when I need a pry tool because it’s always there. I have like five of those damn things in my drawer and a few more in my toolbox.
It’s pretty much a requirement for Linux that you copy and paste random commands you don’t understand from strangers on the internet.
Well I never used command line in 30 years of Windows.
That’s 30 years of using closed source software from strangers (Or do you have many good friends at Redmond WA USA ?) :-)
It’s pretty much a requirement for Linux that you copy and paste random commands you don’t understand from strangers on the internet.
Maybe decades ago it was. Nowadays that’s not a requirement as there’s GUI applications for a lot more things than before. And as a Linux user I simply find it much more convenient and faster to share some commands with another person than making screen shots and creating a howto of a few pages or making a video. Also documentation has improved. For the average Linux user the Arch Linux wiki is a nice resource, even when not using Arch Linux.
Funnylie enough, if im not doing programmer/networking stuff, there are only 3 reasons to open a terminal
- run a script, because mousepad likes to open them
- run pacman, because pamac broke again
- checking the error log, because updates or playing around broke something
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Websites offer that but you can usually find those in your favorite package manager Downloading software from shady websites is the Windows way of doing things.
Now, to be clear: this discussion is about having to use the terminal and that’s what people answered. You still find so many resources referring to the terminal because it’s often just the most convenient and effective way to do something.
I certainly prefer it over clicking through settings or running dedicated tools to do something that could be solved by a single line. And I was an exclusive Windows user like 5 years ago.
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I dual boot and use the command line a similar amount in both. cmd and powershell in windows are super useful for troubleshooting things that don’t work, or setting configuration options that are just not possible from the GUI, like disabling the hiberfil
The how is that they are a user that has never had to troubleshoot their own machine. At least that’s what I am getting from reading all their replies. They seem to honestly believe there is no use case for cmd in windows.
feel free to pronounce the word “user” as the slur intended
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CLI is a bigger necessity on Windows than Linux
It’s just unnecessarily verbose on Windows and on Linux help pages are from people that know what they’re doing
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What have you not found a gui alternative for?
I have found apps on Windows you can’t remove without commands, settings that can’t be changed (commands or regedit), and any bulk file actions. However we will say bash = bash
Windows error messages are usually something to pay attention to if they generate a popup. But you can ignore most errors and warnings in the event viewer.
Linux is the same. If you get a popup, look into that, but if you see warnings or errors in a logfile then they can most likely be ignored if the app is working
Bailing out. You are on your own. Good luck!
Well fuck…
WARNING: /boot appears to be a separate partition but is not mounted. You probably just broke your system. Congratulations.
Is that a real error message in Linux?
This principle applies to the GNU C compiler also. Any other compiler is going to complain at you for not adhering to their stupid style guide, or for not using their proprietary “mEmOrY sAfE” libraries. But if GCC is giving you warnings, you darn well better fix something.
Yes, do as I say! 🗿
uninstalls essential package
Why is my system broken? :O
LTT moment
the average brain on Windows…
“wdym a different OS doesn’t behave exactly like Winsows? That just means it’s bad!”
“It’s Linux’ fault that my proprietary software/configurator for overpriced hardware gimmicks isn’t working and definitely not just the vendor not giving enough of a shit to provide support (or at least help with community drivers) on other platforms as well!!1!”
Windows warning is like the check engine light in your car, ignore till it starts being a problem lmao
For the record, if your check engine light is ever blinking, you need to immediately shut off your engine.
Shit is going very very wrong in your engine at that point, to the extent that it might cause an energetic catastrophic failure.
Interesting, I’ve never heard of that. What does it blinking signify?
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My wife hates it when that happens
It can mean a misfire too.
I had an old accord that basically lost a cylinder (blew a valve or something) but could still drive down the road with check engine blinking because that cylinder was “misfiring.”
It happened far away from home too. I drove several dozen miles with my unintentional 3 cylinder swap.
To be fair, it can also mean “one of my fucking radiator fans is not responding quickly enough to computer control”
Which was not a fun experience when that happened to me, full fucking BEEP BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER with a check engine and a STOP sign blaring on the digital system display panel, made me panic out of my mind because a radiator fan was a removed
Imminent catastrophic failure.
Misfiring in my experience
Typically it’ll happen when your engine misfires due to an ignition coil crapping out. So the engine is now firing on only 3 cylinders if it’s a 4cyl
So you’re telling me I should just turn up the volume instead of fixing my install ?
My favorite error message of all times:
You don’t exist, go away!
If you have a problem just sudo it away.
sudo rm debt
Throw in an ‘-rf’ for good measure
If that works, I’m switching to linux
Heck, I have errors in windows log that are just “sure, let’s move on”.
My broken pipe on update error doesn’t come up often enough to properly deal with and every possible cause I have found hasn’t applied
One you actually care about while the other… blows wind.
This post not written by someone who has ever run ‚systemctl -p3 —since today’