Besorgte Bürgys: Innenminister:innen die so ein Scheiß fordern müssen gehen.
✍️ Hobbyist Writer, 🎲 Role player, 🧩 Game master, 🚀 Sci-Fi enthusiast, 💫 Star Citizen 🇪🇺 EU Citizen, 🐧 Linux user, 🧑💻 Professional Software Developer, 🏳️⚧️ Woman
Besorgte Bürgys: Innenminister:innen die so ein Scheiß fordern müssen gehen.
The thing is, some need to publicly complain/call out shitty behaviour of our corporate masters. Now paired with someone who has quite the reach makes this even better so that unaware peeps notice this as well.
Off-Topic: this is truly beautiful. I’m reading this thread in jerboa, which is a Lemmy Client for android, and yet it seems that it’s actually a thread on Mastodon. I love this interoperability of the fediverse!
Der Grund? Wahrscheinlich Brutale Killerspiele die bösen Ausländer und Linksgrünversiften liegts daran, dass die AfD bis auf heiße Luft und Hetze nichts kann.
Uh. Whatever my distro comes with per default.
I mean you could also write your grocery list per hand.
Hättest du keinen lokalen Computer Hardwarestore in der Nähe?
Every browser released since 2020 supports this (custom elements that is), so I don’t see an issue with browser support.
You mean the Html template Element? I’ve never really got that to work, but I also never seriously tried.
Vanilla JS is perfectly fine to do basic interactive stuff. Data Binding is a bit trickier but can be achieved neatly with Web Components. I like it.
Disruption of communication can only mean one thing…
And it’s frequency of usage is proportional to the amount of code to be reviewed.
Wie offensichtlicher müssen die Nazis denn noch werden bevor die im Bundestag was dagegen unternehmen?
Don’t forget the N variants. In those you don’t have any media codecs or DRM plugins.
I see. Yeah I forgot about the sea Blockade.
A Home Edition implies the existence of a Pro Edition.
Ja dann aber zack zack mit den Bewerbungen zur Registierung. :)
edith hat nichts gesagt.