China Uncensored is a thrice-weekly satirical show on YouTube in the vein of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report, hosted by Chris Chappell. China Uncensored is highly critical of the current regime in China, raising issues relating to China's …
Me owning your stupid ass and debunking and rejecting your crakkker ass racist garbage, isn’t me acting in bad faith, and your annoying projection of your sea-lioning, narcissism, and lack of good faith onto me is really pissing me the fuck off.
I literally listed the neoliberal sources you 99 percent use. I used specific quotes.
Projection, again. It means nothing when the pot calls the silverware black.
More like because the counterpoints to post on the garbage TV tropes article would take fucking paragraphs to correct.
Me owning your stupid ass and debunking and rejecting your crakkker ass racist garbage, isn’t me acting in bad faith, and your annoying projection of your sea-lioning, narcissism, and lack of good faith onto me is really pissing me the fuck off.
I literally listed the neoliberal sources you 99 percent use. I used specific quotes.
Projection, again. It means nothing when the pot calls the silverware black.
More like because the counterpoints to post on the garbage TV tropes article would take fucking paragraphs to correct.
I look forward to when you quit sniffing glue.
I’m not interested in talking to a government plant. Fuck off.