• 31 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2022

  • I’m a very scientifically-minded person, and I agree or sympathize with most of what you are saying. But ultimately, I think that the most positive and profound claims, require the most extraordinary evidence, and we have no hard facts that point to Earth being conscious, so I can’t support that hypothesis.

    But I also wouldn’t be surprised, if as you say, the Earth has a basic sort of emergent consciousness. Even most scientists agree that the Earth has numerous mechanisms, cycles and feedback loops, and most of the time they seem to keep Earth in a quasi-homeostasis as long as possible, that homeostasis seems to support the existence and thriving of life, which in turn positively reinforces Earth’s emergent consciousness and feedback loops.

    Though this is getting more spiritual, and I typically loath spirituality, I think that Mother Earth has felt, noticed or “known” of humanity’s existence for many thousands of years.

    Even prehistoric humans and proto-humans, for hundreds of thousands of years, have continuously shaped the environment in a myriad of ways that most people don’t think about.

    I figure that around the Industrial Revolution, is when Mother Earth became incensed and saddened at the forward trajectory of humanity, and right now, Earth is very, very sick, from humanity’s poisoning of her, wiping out millions of species over just a few thousand years, and especially the past few centuries and decades.

    While there are billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, I think global warming will first and foremost destroy more environments that support most or alot of these plant species in the first place, before they even have a chance to reappear in greater numbers to absorb the newly released CO2. I like your theory, though, and I admire your use of hypothesis using known facts and unknown variables.

    I’m personally doubtful that another ice age could emerge again, but I don’t think it’s a zero percent chance. And there is a hypothesis/theory that Earth is still currently in an ice age, or at least a very comparatively long remissions period. The temperatures and climates on Earth that are needed for life to even survive, let alone thrive, are very specific.

    I’ve read that even if humanity were to altogether completely stop polluting the Earth tomorrow (which would be extremely fast and require an unheard of level of global cooperation and likely the overthrowing of capitalism) the gasses and damage to Earth, and their potential and likely aftereffects, would last a minimum of thousands-to tens of thousands years, or even longer than that, as Earth recovers. It’s not going to be a pretty or easy recovery.

    I’m confident (relatively) that humanity will likely continue indefinitely into the future, or at the very least, the next several centuries, hopefully milennia.

    My main concern though, is what’s known as the Methane Clathrate Gun.

    Even though it’s constantly being dismissed, rejected or viewed as unlikely, scientists, and especially climate-related scientists, are notorious for being extremely conservative, downplaying or underestimating their findings and the reality of the current mass extinction event and the worsening severity and totality of climate change. This isn’t to knock on scientists. They are only human, and they are often directly or indirectly muzzled, censored or forced to downplay their findings and opinions by capitalist political elites, politicians, the undue influence of money in politics, especially by fossil fuel corporations.

    The USSR first proved the existence of human-caused or human-majority-caused climate change in the 1960’s, after surveying conditions in the Arctic/Siberia, but the world and especially the U.S./West dismissed it as communist propaganda. The USSR’s’ researchers noticed that billions of tons of permafrost were melting every year, releasing billions of tons of greenhouse gases. The USSR tried their best to sound the alarm, but were continually ignored until their twilight years, and the West and the world began to take climate change very seriously as the USSR entered it’s final years.

    Methane clathrates are extremely, extremely deep in the ocean, and even though it takes the heated water long periods of time to begin affecting and then later melting the ice, and releasing greenhouse gasses that trap more heat in, on the order of potentially thousands of years to reach the deepest depths, this is still increasing faster and faster, leading to increased albedo, increased intensity feedback loops, releasing more gasses and more warming, and especially over the past several decades.

    If/when all of these cascading effects reach to deep enough depths, and as the world gets hotter and hotter, the reaction could trigger a grand reaction, causing the simultaneous release of GIGATONS of greenhouse gasses from permafrost. A chain reaction that superheats the Earth, to become alot like Venus, all on the order of centuries, but way more likely mere decades, or even YEARS, cooking the planet and likely destroying ALL life on Earth, and Earth becomes a second Venus. And we wouldn’t have the technology to delay or avert this disaster, or move to entire other planets. And the amount of money, resources, and overall return of value that we would get from moving to space, would still be utterly dogshit compared to saving Earth, for now at least.

    Not to mention that the Earth is currently on track for an estimated 2.7-2.9 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100. It’s strongly theorized that if warming exceeds well beyond the mid-high 3 degrees C of warming, that the Earth will experience a global Deoxygenation event, turning the very air into a poisonous, acidic soup, leaving very few relative safe spots, if any. And that’s likely way before a Methane Clathrate Gun type of event.

    According to recent scientific research, humanity as a whole has likely kickstarted enough of an effort to mitigate global warming, to prevent all of this. Last year, scientific/technological research has accumulated and advanced enough, that if things keep going the way they are (which is likely) that from now on, every year will be a net negative reduction in fossil fuel usage/pollutants, and every year will be a net gain in renewable energy/green technology usage, globally. So if we as a species don’t get too cocky, and don’t let capitalism subjugate us all, we may have JUST BARELY avoided the worst of the worst of the fucking worst of possible climate change and hopefully mass extinction scenarios.

    And all these efforts started right after China began heavily investing in renewable energy/green technology/combatting pollution and habitat destruction, or kickstarted and catalyzed and boosted all of these efforts, in the late aught’s/early 2010’s.

  • Illegal by it’s own law and processes. Can you not read?

    The vast majority of citizens of the USSR and Soviet-aligned states favored keeping the country together/remaining part of it, aside from maybe Ukraine and 2 other polities.

    You don’t get to override 70 percent of the USSR’s will and call it democracy.