• sj_zero@lotide.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    I don’t think they’re pedo posts.

    The first seems to be investigating a concept that is sort of postmodern, where instead of taking things at face value we have to dig 15 levels in to find hidden meanings. It also seems to be pointing out the fact that the concept has no direct meaning and it’s used as a woke weapon.

    The others look like they’re reasonable posts talking about how we don’t treat teenagers as if they’re going to be adults soon. I tend to agree, we keep on expanding “adulthood” but really in our 20s we’re adults and we should be trying to raise kids with this in mind or they’ll make terrible mistakes in their 20s.

    • BreadTanky@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Usually I would agree, especially about the first two posts. I find it odd that a user is dedicating an account to talking about sexualization, but I’ve pretty much dedicated this account to hating fat people.

      That being said the user, PSR_860, who posted the next to links, definitely likes them young. PSR_860 mentioned at least twice that we have a developed brain once we have an adult body, so right after puberty, is what I assume they mean.

      That and PSR_860 posted this comment: There is not a shred of scientific evidence for the existence of ephebophilia, but everyone acts like it’s real.

      No one brings up ephebophilia unless there’s a fourteen year old next door they want to hump. Pretty sure to that PSR_860 is a pedo, and trying to run some sort of normalization psyop.