• groupofcrows@lemmy.ca
      9 months ago

      Can you tell which one of his bootlickers has the courage to suggest their dear leader should be removed or step down because he has dementia or some other issue affecting his super stable judgement?

      • Chainweasel@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Whichever one wants his power.
        Do you seriously think those rats are loyal to him?
        They’re all just in it to enrich themselves. They see him as a useful idiot to pull votes and get their party in charge.
        They don’t give half a shit about him as a person. Every single one of those fucks is only loyal to themselves.
        Did you not see how fast they turned on him when he said “take the guns first” because of the votes it would cost them?
        Then how quickly they forgot it ever happened as soon as he walked it back?
        Even Lindsey Graham said “if we elect Trump we’ll get destroyed, and we’ll deserve it” then immediately fell in line when Trump started pulling votes.
        Even his inner circle threatened to use the 15th amendment when his January 6th coup fizzled out and started to make them look bad with their own party.
        If you seriously think that they’re personally loyal enough to him to keep him propped up when he can’t even speak because of his illness you have not been paying any attention at all for the past 7 years.

        • groupofcrows@lemmy.ca
          9 months ago

          Where did I say the bootlickers were loyal? They are afraid of him and his followers.

          If Trump wins it’s because his 30% showed up and genocide Joe didn’t get enough supporters. He will claim he won campaigning on being a dictator. He will replace key federal positions with his true believers. If Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are afraid of him now they will be terrified of him when he fully controls the FBI, Cia, armed forces… He could pardon the Jan 6 followers, people he knows will follow him. Will any GOP say anything if any resistance brings on a barrage of threats and violence?

          I agree their are people using Trump for their own goals and those people will be happy if he gets a stroke that degrades him further. But they won’t remove him and risk losing their influence, they will keep him as a talking head and control the media coverage and run the country from the shadows. Any threat to them will be communicate to Trump as a threat to him.