We can see the cracks starting to show in US military and economic hegemony. To be sure, they’re still the most powerful country in the world, but they can obviously no longer take on the rest of the world combined like they could in the 90s.

But more insidiously, the US still seems to be the hegemonic hyperpower in terms of cultural output. Even countries that are geopolitically at odds with the US happily and ravenously consume its art, entertainment, and literature, and to a lesser extent, those from loyal vassals of the US such as Japan, south Korea, and Western Europe.

It’s not just due to reach. I feel that cultural output from the US (and vassals) is genuinely more creative, technically advanced, complex, innovative, and prolific than cultural output from the rest of the world. As someone of Chinese descent who doesn’t strongly identify with American culture, this weighs on me heavily.

I’ll compare American and East Asian cultural output since that’s what I’m most familiar with.

Hollywood cinema is obviously the gold standard the world over. American films such as The Matrix, Blade Runner, and Fight Club are full of symbolism, innovative cinematography, and complex narratives. Korean films such as Snowpiercer, Parasite, and Oldboy are not far off. In comparison, the top Chinese movies such as The Wandering Earth 2 and The Battle at Lake Changjin are rather simplistic and don’t necessarily have a lasting cultural impact, even in China.

Chinese TV is pretty good, with hits like Nirvana in Fire and Reset. But there has been no Chinese series with the wide reach, critical acclaim, innovative and sophisticated narratives, and lasting cultural impact of American series like Breaking Bad, Star Trek, The Sopranos, and Friends, or Korean series like Squid Game. The average Chinese person has heard of Friends, but only a vanishingly-small number of Americans have heard of Nirvana in Fire.

Chinese pop music is largely samey-sounding ballads. Listen to one of the songs by Li Ronghao or Joker Xue, and it could’ve been released today, a decade ago, or two decades ago. In contrast, Western and Korean pop music are constantly evolving and trying new things. Even more creative Chinese artists like Lexie Liu, Hyph11e, South Acid Mimi, and Absolute Purity are largely following established trends and not really setting new trends. Chinese music has no answer to jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, hip-hop, and house. The most identifiably Chinese music simply uses traditional instruments, but there’s nothing particularly groundbreaking or creative about mashing folk instruments with existing pop music. K-pop, J-pop, and even LatAm, West Asian, and Indian pop have immediately identifiable sounds, whereas most C-pop sounds like it could’ve been made anywhere at any time. C-pop has little appeal even in places like Hong Kong. If you look at the HK charts, they’re dominated by foreign artists like NewJeans Jungkook, Yoasobi, and Taylor Swift, with a small handful of HK and Taiwanese artists, but not a single mainland artist. That seems really shameful to me.

Japanese manga and American comics are considered the gold standard, with Korean manhwa a solid third. Meanwhile, Chinese manhua suffers from amateurish art, clunky pacing, unlikeable and selfish main characters, and boilerplate, tropey plots. If you thought isekai was overdone, wait until you see the endless cultivation stories in manhua. It’s kind of embarrassing, really.

It’s a similar story with literature, video games, and animations.

So, why is there such a large discrepancy in the quality of cultural exports coming from the US, Japan, south Korea, and Western Europe vs the rest of the world? Is it simply that these countries are richer so more people have the opportunity to pursue art, and studios have larger budgets? Is art like technolgical advancement in that you have to build up the know-how from the ground up? Or is there some cultural or governmental aspect in countries of the International Community™ that genuinely fosters creativity?

People often talk about this in terms of soft power, but imo what’s even more important is cultural self-confidence. If domestic art or art from friendly cultures is good enough to satisfy one’s own needs instead of having to import everything from countries that want to subjugate your own people, I think that would greatly boost collective well-being, sense of identity, and mental health.

On a personal note, this has been a nearly obsessive worry of mine for the last year or so. I’ve tried talking to a therapist about it but they just suggested that I try to stop identifying as Chinese and start identifying as American. Not very helpful advice. I don’t really have anyone to talk to this about, so I hope I can start a discussion here.

  • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Why does Amerika seem like the dominant culture still? Cause they’re stealing from New Afrikans and our creativity, all while having a monopoly over worldwide media. There’s a lot of money that goes into the propaganda machine and that’s a part of it.

    They steal from us and use us to push their capitalist propaganda on the rest of the world.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
        9 months ago

        Also Afro-Americans weren’t the main tributary of bluegrass, but they’re part of that one too on a foundational level. The banjo was an African diaspora invention, seemingly based on a West African instrument, and the vocal style took from blues and other extremely Afro-American musical traditions (field hollers; black hymnal)

      • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        I think it’s just revolutionary spirit. I have no other real explanation for it. We’ve had to survive being colonized for so long it’s just been a matter of making the best of it. I’d love to see the kinda of art we could make when we aren’t under survival conditions.

  • Kaplya [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    China has no interest in exporting its culture, or catering to a foreign audience. This has always been the case for centuries.

    We have our own internet platforms that are mostly insulated from the rest of the world. A popular video on bilibili can easily get several times the view count than that of a popular video on Youtube, and yet the vast majority of the world will never have heard of it.

    I think a lot of this has to do with the failure of the Cultural Revolution, which set in a conservative trend where the national policy has become averse to attempting anything that significantly deviates from the status quo. Instead, the cultural richness of present day China is drawn from the vastness and depth of its historical past, a civilization that spans over several thousand years.

    For a country with nearly 1.4 billion people, it is far easier to make people identify with their cultural past and use that as a national unity project. The last thing the leadership wants is something that retreads the madness of the Cultural Revolution, even if it comes at the cost of stifling cultural innovation.

    The decline of Western imperialism is going to lead to the rise of regional blocs in the form of multipolarity. The cultural hegemony of the US will slowly give way to an reinvigoration of local cultures as these countries, bound together by regional ties, began to reassert their sovereignty. You’re not going to see Shanghai as the world’s sole cultural center that displaces the role of New York, but instead the emergence of multiple regional cultural centers across the world.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Others have already given you the reasons, OrnluWolfjarl in particular.

    So let me just state that American artistic culture is rotting and is not this healthy threatening giant it once was.

    The quality of cinema has been declining for some time. Capitalism eats its own. Now we have never-ending sequels and reboots because those are the least risky financial investments, this opens up a space by the way for things like Chinese creativity and innovation. The Marvel cape-shit garbage parade, teen angst dystopia fantasy pictures which I’m half-convinced are a CIA psyop to condition and prepare the young for their lives being worse than those of their parents in a markedly dramatic way (all while reinforcing the idea of non-violent resistance or at least executing the swerve and ending on a note of disenchantment that the violent resistance ended up as bad or problematic as the ones they overthrew).

    Prestige TV still exists as something spurred on by HBO but with the end of free money lately and streaming services cutting back dramatically and raising prices to attempt to get to profitability there’s a real question on how much longer the investment in that area holds out and already there have been signs of its decline.

    I’ll also mention the US got a toe-hold in the rest of the world. It started its ascent, including in the culture area at the end of WW2 when Europe was bombed rubble, the Soviet Union had lost a massive amount of its population and dealt with massive destruction and then had to pay for an arms race with the US. Asia had not yet risen, China’s communists were still fighting. People talk about this in terms of industry and the US industrializing and higher wages for the US proletariat and so on but it also applies to culture. The US was the one left standing with a fully functioning movie-making apparatus of giant size, scope, and experience. It was the one left standing with a burgeoning music culture, car sales, car radios pushed investment and for more of this even as television ownership and thus production of content and the means to produce it exploded.

    In that situation, many creative types outside the US could not express themselves or get a platform. Many moved to the US. Refined means of filtering and selecting popular things together with the mad science of 20th century marketing psychology which the Nazis had used to help their rise to power (and which they had learned from the US where it continued to be refined) pumped it out and extolled it to every corner of American influence and beyond.

    There was a feeling that it was imperative (a national security imperative) to show creativity, to give people high art, refined, intelligent stuff in competition with the Soviet Union, to portray American capitalism as capable of producing things that were not thinly veiled marketing (but heavily veiled propaganda).

    Is art like technolgical advancement in that you have to build up the know-how from the ground up?

    In the case of art I feel it should be pointed out there was a certain synergistic feedback between the various parties you mention, namely Japan <–> US <–> Europe that inspired a lot of the creative ideas and thinking, techniques, etc. (Kurosawa for example was inspired, driven by things he saw John Ford do in his movies and in turn many American film-makers of the 70s onward were inspired by Kurosawa) There was even influence by the Soviets on the west, Miyazaki for instance cites the viewing of a Soviet cartoon in a union meeting as reinvigorating his interest and passion for animation.

    There could be some issues with lingering Maoist ideas about returning to traditional Chinese culture, shunning the west, etc that have hampered things a bit but there’s little for that but time and government investment. Problem is, while the US is free to meddle in its media and the CIA and Pentagon have long openly exercised up to veto powers on certain scripts as well are more hidden influence and purging of those not amenable to cooperating with for example the McCarthyist witch hunts and Hollywood blacklist.

    If China’s government started doing the same I’m sure the west would start screaming about it all being commie propaganda directly in service of the CPC. Now to be fair they kind of do this anyways but I feel there may be some in China’s government who do not want to push this issue at the moment and in fact like the current status quo where Hollywood avoids angering them in order to have access to their theater market which allows them a soft veto over more extreme anti-China content showing up in US popular media and thus tamping down on anti-China propaganda by virtue of that which they may consider more important at the moment than being a home-grown cultural super-power given the US has such big existing reach into markets which would take China years, decades to duplicate.

    With any luck China’s increasing closeness with Russia where you had great masters of the art like Tarkovsky and other soviet greats will have some cross-pollination rub off that bears incredible fruit in future.

  • OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago
    1. Between the 1920s and 1950s, the US was seeing a massive influx of immigrants from all over the world. This allowed it to develop simultaneously a multitude of cultural genres and forms, which were influenced by the backgrounds of all the immigrants and their melding together. Especially WW2 saw a bunch of artists and artist-related professionals (like technicians needed to make a film) leave Europe and head to the US.

    2. Vast sums of money and resources were invested to various culture industries (in the purest capitalist sense), especially film and music, over a course of many years with the aim of profit and cultivating propaganda.

    3. The Hollywood golden age of the 40s, 50s and then the 80s shaped the likings of people all over the world to be more akin to what Hollywood wanted to produce.

    4. The introduction of psychological manipulation tactics to advertising and the creation of films, music and later video games (e.g. Lowest common denominator, focus groups, etc) made American cultural export even more potent.

    Simply put, the US had a headstart over everybody else, which it capitalized with big investements and then properly utilizing the advanced technical know-how that was developing regarding complex productions of culture.

    Their culture will leave its mark for decades to come. Perhaps for ages. But others will eventually catch up and surpass them. It is a matter of time.

    • TheCommunismButton@lemmygrad.mlOP
      9 months ago

      Yeah I totally see the established industry effect in terms of high production value films, TV series, and highly-polished pop music, but what really gets me is that a lot of influential musical movements such as jazz, hip-hop, punk rock, thrash metal, grunge, and house weren’t made by carefully cultivated industry darlings with an elite music education, or even by fresh immigrants with a mind full of unique ideas, but by regular working-class Americans, often marginalized in their own right, just fucking around.

      Why were Americans able to make such groundbreaking music, but other people can’t? The standard liberal answer is that Western liberal values of individualism and free thinking encourage creativity, while socialism and collectivism punish stepping out of line via societal pressure and outright censorship. They also argue that any great bout of musical creativity came about from rebellion against the status quo, and rebellion in “authoritarian” or “collectivist” societies is mercilessly quashed, while it’s tolerated in the free West.

      I hope that’s not the case. In the case of China, it really is true that musicians have to gain approval by local governments before performing at any ticketed event, including a vetting of lyrics. I think it’s a fine policy in principle, but in practice, guidelines are really vague and many local governments come down way too hard to err on the side of caution, and I think it’s really unfortunate. China is operating under siege socialism, and it’s true that there are sometimes harsh limitations on artistic expression. But even so, black Americans were far, far more oppressed when they developed blues and jazz, and their dissent was certainly not tolerated at all, so I’m not sure if this argument holds water.

      • appel@whiskers.bim.boats
        9 months ago

        Why were Americans able to make such groundbreaking music?

        I think it is because they were not colonised, starving, being enslaved, fending off imperialism or trying to build a socialist project. Given time I’m sure China will continue to develop niche, underground and unique genres of music. I think looking at Hollywood films and pop music, and their Chinese analogues is barking up the wrong tree anyway. If you want real cultural content, Hollywood and pop music are completely absent of it.

        Just recently I was at a music festival here (in the west) and a Chinese band was playing called Chinese football. They play indie-rock and everyone loved it. I think partially you may be looking in the wrong places, and partially it just needs more time.

      • OrnluWolfjarl@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        I dont think the issue is “freedom”. Let’s take it case by case:

        Jazz and blues - resulting from black culture, and was the new thing after ages of classical music dominating.

        Rock and metal - started as an outlet for people reacting to the capitalist system for the most part. The US government tried hard to criminalize/suppress/regulate these music types. Also an evolution from blues.

        Rap - same as metal, but later became heavily commercialized and promoted

        Pop - basically industrialized music. Very little creativity involved in most cases. Mostly made to appeal to as many people as possible and is heavily promoted as the “default” genre.

        The US censors its culture the same as any country, perhaps even more. It just does it more covertly and with soft means.

        Another thing that is needed for a cultural expansion is prosperity and stability. China hasn’t had that for nearly as long as the US. The US hasn’t suffered a war within its borders for more than 140 years. The most critically acclaimed cultural projects in the US happened in the 20s, 50s, 60s, 80s and 90s, which is when the US population was prospering the most. China on the other hand has had wars and internal strife up until the 60s-70s. It has only started offering a comfortable life to the majority of the population in the 90s and 2000s.

  • lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    One of the factors to consider with modern Western art is how a lot of the best pieces come from places of negativity. I’ve never heard of a significant piece of contemporary art that wasn’t fueled by either desperation or anti-establishment politics.

    I insist on “contemporary” because there’s no comparison between ancient art pieces around the world. The West’s cultural dominance only started at the age of imperialism because it is the time where it bred so much anger, loneliness and desperation that it created individuals broken enough to create ultimate bourgeois art.

    Yes I said “bourgeois” art because truth be told, the masterpieces of the West become so because of cultural elitism and the capitalist induced gatekeeping. That’s the catch : yes currently we have incredibly deep art made in the West because it broke enough people to create a few good doomed artists and subversive artists, but that’s not desirable compared to a society where everyone can happily enjoy making art.

    Art could be this nice thing to enjoy with your community, but instead we value this obsession with ultimate pieces from mistreated individuals and elevate ourselves by contemplating it in awe. That’s a good way to cope but actually a sane society wouldn’t do that. Humans are social productive creatures who often copy what others do and enjoy being together, we don’t have to live in a world where we feed on the distress of a few to find a bit of meaning is a dreadful life.

    Edit : important precisions, forgot to mention that the West produces broken doomed artists that still have indirect access to enough material wealth to be able to record and spread their music, thanks to imperialism. Broken people in the periphery have to stay in the shadows because there are no infrastructure to carry their art.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    You’ve hit upon a very interesting point that i myself have thought about for some time. I see other comrades here being dismissive of the cultural hegemony that the West enjoys but in my opinion this is not quite so trivial an issue. The reason why is because Western culture reinforces and propagates liberal ideology and it does so very aggressively and successfully. We stand little chance of countering the predominance of liberal ideology in the world until the dominance of Western cultural exports is broken. This is a major obstacle to socialism, revolution, decolonization and other liberation efforts as spontaneous movements will tend to degenerate into liberal avenues and attempt to emulate western liberal society and thereby its political and economic structures.

    The undoing of this iron grip of the West on the global cultural consciousness will only happen very slowly as it loses its economic and military dominance. Even as it experiences material decline, politically and ideologically the West will remain strong for quite some time thanks to its global cultural indoctrination apparatus. Only once it becomes evident to the people of the global south that the West’s promises of material wellbeing being linked to the kind of society the West promotes through its artistic output are false will enough people in the periphery realize that it is not worth subordinating themselves to and trying to emulate the West. Unfortunately we are not there yet. As we can see from the sad outcome of the Argentinian election there are still a lot of people who buy into the West’s garbage.

    Many people in countries that have been abused and exploited for decades by the imperial core still strongly cling to the delusion that their problems can be solved if only they bend the knee enough to the West and do capitalism hard enough. This is where in my view having a very strong ideological counter-force to liberalism embedded in your culture can be of great help, and so far there are few options powerful enough and unfortunately most include significant reactionary tendencies. Religion and nationalism are two forces strong enough to form such an ideological barrier, though of course as communists we would strongly prefer that people be motivated by socialist internationalism instead. Fortunately China’s success is bringing back some of the lost global popularity of socialist ideas which took a big hit with the fall of the Soviet Union.

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Really great read, this whole thread.

    I think most other things I thought to say have been voiced thoroughly. I just have one more (which has been touched on too but anyways):

    Is there perhaps a subconscious anxiety here: that socialism, aka a materially better society, a society where people suffer less, makes life a little more boring? That pain = good art?

    I know I have this fear, sometimes.

    And I think this is a truly late-stage Western way to think. Bad = Bad, but Good = Secret Bad, if not Good = Even Worse. We are so used to good things here being bad things in disguise, we have an inherent distrust of good things. I think it lends to Sinophobia of the Chinese project, and ideas like “Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens,” or similar ideas that are essentially cope talk where suffering = cool, or suffering = indispensible. As fascism tells us, after all, “to live is to suffer.”

    I know I have feared my life ever improving because the idea that I would never make good art again is intolerable.

    But, deep in my heart, and deep in my mind, I know this isn’t true. Making HAPPY art that is also GOOD may take some unlearning and re-learning, but it is possible. If it isn’t, then reality itself is grim, and I refuse to believe that until socialism has had its fair shake with the human psyche.

    I remember being very disturbed at myself once, when writing answers to a fun little 50 music question Tumblr prompt. One question was “what is a song that makes you happy?” For every other question, I debated between 2, 4, 10 different songs. For this question, I could not think of a single one. But, is this because the only good music is painful music, or because I have a painful life in a painful society and so, naturally, pain is something I relate to the most? And that there is an absence of music that is both happy AND sincere, talented, and emphasized?

    Some thoughts.

    • bazingabrain [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      That pain = good art?

      i’m an artist, and i can say with utmost confidence, that this is utter bullshit. I make much better art when im comfortable and happy.

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        I am glad to hear this, I hope only to be wrong with this worry. I know I suffered a lot in 2023 and I’ve written some of my best stuff, probably 10x in volume of my entire previous works combined. This experience makes this thought seem true to me, which validates a truly horrifying worldview, so hearing your opposite experience is a little soothing.

    • MILFCortana@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      That pain = good art?

      Most art comes from rich playboys that are sons of rich playboys. Yea even the good bits. Pain and trauma just make it harder to do art, because now instead of drawing my brain is shitting on me about past events. Most of the pain artists talk about is just afluenza or like their lover leaving them for sucking

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        I can see this in like, fine art, and a lot of film, but I guess from my perspective most art I consume is hip hop, full of stories of genuinely poor people having terrible experiences, and it seems like my favorites have particularly painful ones. Again that might just be how I relate to it though.

    • Trudge [Comrade]@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      Even after we have highly developed communism, there’s going to be plenty of pain to go around from physical wear and tear, loss of loved ones, family drama, romance, loss in competition, etc. so I think we’re safe even if your premise holds true.

  • bazingabrain [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    good post, in my opinion what we’re dealing here with is time and language. Others already pointed out that art and entertainment is an industry like any other and those take time to develop, however to me the main obstacle is mostly language. I like chinese, I genuinely like how it sounds, unfortunately it’s a monolithic task to learn it, and very few people in the west have the determination/interest to do so (me i’m just lazy and i have a peanut brain). This is a shame because despite what you seem to think I’d argue that chinese culture is wonderful and rich, yet a lot of it is locked behind tiny symbols my stupid brain can’t figure out.

    All those things will naturally converge over time. More people will learn chinese, china will develop an efficient entertainment industry now that its achieved itself as a modern and prosperous state, and more and more people will start to consume chinese media. I also unironically think that chinese shitposting is far superior to the west, and genuinely believe in the meme that the great firewall is there to protect us westerners from powerful chinese posters lmao

  • luffyismyking@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    The Wandering Earth 2 is not simplistic and you’ve probably missed a lot since you aren’t fluent in the language, because you can’t capture the nuances yourself and you aren’t able to go into Chinese-langauge spaces to see what other people have found. I also have no clue who the two people you mentioned in the pop music bit are, but idk why you are talking about them instead of hugely popular musicians like Phoenix Legend or Li Yuchun, both of whose works very much have evolved throughout their careers.

    There are a lot of structural factors when it comes to Chinese cultural products having less impact in the imperial core. I think you discount the lack of exposure. Even if there was some Chinese media that you personally feel is innovative blah blah, do you think the imperial core would let it get popular? So idek why that is a gripe that you have.

    You have valid critiques (and people in China complain about capital being lazy and not producing more creative films and tv shows), but a lot of this post sounds like lack of cultural self-confidence on your part, as well as viewing Chinese media through a Western lens/palate tbh.

    • TheCommunismButton@lemmygrad.mlOP
      9 months ago

      The Wandering Earth 2 is not simplistic and you’ve probably missed a lot

      Probably. I’m definitely not too knowledgeable about cultural allusions and stuff, and I basically relied on the subtitles. I must admit there’s a gap there. Westerners often praise Liu Cixin for having great ideas and plots but criticize him for having flat characters and uninteresting dialogue. Idk how much the translation has to do with this and how much this even affects the movie since it’s only loosely based on the short story though.

      I also have no clue who the two people you mentioned

      李荣浩 and 薛之谦, their top songs have 100-200 million views on YouTube, the most out of any Chinese artist. They’re incredibly popular in Taiwan, Singapore, and the US amongst ethnic Chinese. I’d be surprised if you haven’t heard of them.

      Phoenix Legend or Li Yuchun

      Mind sharing some recommendations?

      I think you discount the lack of exposure

      Yeah I’m not denying that this is major factor. I think The Wandering Earth 2 should’ve been as popular as any Hollywood blockbuster. But I do have my reasons why I think it’s “merely” a very good film instead of a timeless cinema classic. Perhaps like you said it’s because I’m missing stuff due to the language barrier.

      a lot of this post sounds like lack of cultural self-confidence on your part

      True, that’s what I hope to cultivate some day.

  • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Of course the “top grossing movie of 2020” made by China is going to look bad compared to a classic of US cinema. But can you name any films from that same year that the US made that have had the same cultural impact as something like The Matrix or Fight Club?

    You’re comparing China’s present average to the west’s “best ever” so of course it’s going to look bad by comparison. I’m also not sure what you mean by western pop music being “experimental”? It all sounds like the same made by committee plastic manufactured crap to me. Are you comparing more of an indie breakout hit sort of song that gets popular because it sounds different to the mainstream in the west to the regular mainstream in China?

    It really sounds like you’re looking for reasons to dismiss Chinese media and reasons to uplift western media unnecessarily here. I just started watching a drama series, Minning town, 山海情, and it’s not “perfect” or anything, but it’s completely unlike anything I would ever expect to see in western media. Maybe instead of trying to measure things by “cultural impact” or whatever, you could try reframing it, and think about what unique things a culture can create?

    The #1 thing that determines how popular something gets in the west is how much money the rich think they can make off of it. The west’s “culture” at this point is largely artificial, created by the rich to sell distractions to increasingly destitute masses of people. China’s media landscape is radically different because they don’t need to distract their populace with mindless entertainment.

    Also, as others have said, a lot of people around the world speak English, and the anglosphere in particular consumes media at an appalling rate. So it’s hardly surprising that western media is the most prevalent in the world just from that alone.

    • TheCommunismButton@lemmygrad.mlOP
      9 months ago

      I wasn’t intentionally naming recent Chinese movies, I just happen to think the best (mainland) Chinese movies of all time were made in the last few years. That at least gives me some hope that they simply needed some time to develop the expertise. And yeah, I’m well aware that for every The Matrix there’s a couple dozen Justice Leagues.

      Indeed, most top 100 music is derivative crap everywhere, including the US. But every year there are a few hits that stand the test of time like Poker Face and thank u, next. And I don’t mean to say that US pop music is truly cutting edge stuff. Rather, what happens is that there’s always cool new stuff brewing underground, and in a few years either the formerly underground artists make it big or their sounds set off a trend that’s eventually picked up by established artists. That’s how you end up with a bunch of trends or waves in music like deep house and trap heavily influencing US pop music in the 2010s. By contrast, it seems like underground music in China stays underground, and in the first place the sounds were invariably originally imported. Like there are by all means good sounding Chinese non-mainstream artists like Omnipotent Youth Society, 等一下就回家, Ice Paper, PO8, GriffO, and Absolute Purity, but their music is based on existing, imported genres like hip-hop and prog rock and their music has virtually no influence on the most popular Chinese pop artists like Li Ronghao, who just constantly spit out generic tunes.

      I do appreciate that Chinese media can take a different perspective than Western media. Propaganda pieces like Minning Town can be a good watch and are really wholesome. Even organic works like The Wandering Earth obviously are made with different worldviews. I do think this is one unique strength that can be leveraged that doesn’t just try to copy Western stuff or rehash tired palace drama cliches, and I’m glad to see it appear more often in recent works.

      I think there are many great ideas coming from Chinese TV and cinema, they just need to work on execution. Take the Tencent adaptation of Three Body Problem, for instance. Huge potential, and the IP is imo one of China’s precious jewels. But they really did it dirty with the low budget. It was mostly just people standing around and talking. A single episode of the (whitewashed, de-sinicized) Netflix adaptation has a bigger budget than the entire Tencent series. I would go as far as to say that it would’ve been worth it for the government to subsidize it to raise the production value.

      • DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
        9 months ago

        Other people have mentioned the music stuff in far more detail than I could, so I’ll leave that discussion to them I think.

        The biggest difference I would say between western media and Chinese media is that Chinese media is open about their agenda, Minning Town is unapologetically pro-goverment, which of course makes westerners hate it because it is “propaganda.” But at the same time, western marvel movies and things will be even more unapologetically pro-US government and Americans and Americanised people around the globe will just accept that as a given and won’t even consider the most blatant US propaganda as propaganda. I personally find this more unnerving than anything else, I don’t like a lot of western media for how blatantly it shoves a US state approved message down people’s throats and because that is just the “default” for western media, no one ever questions it.

        Yeah, I agree with you on the Three Body Problem, the actors were fun, but yeah, the budget really held it back. Though I’m not sure that throwing money at the problem would automatically fix it. Others in this thread have mentioned how the US had a headstart both in industry and cultural output at the end of WW2, and a similar idea applies here. If the US could get China to spend billions of dollars in producing media (that may or may not flop) then they can push them into a kind of “media quagmire” similar to the Soviet war in Afghanistan, except with film production instead of weapons production. Trying to take the heart of capitalism on an equal financial footing is doomed to failure, as they have effectively limitless resources at their disposal and a huge head start when it comes to creating media.

  • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    9 months ago

    Chinese TV is pretty good, with hits like Nirvana in Fire and Reset. But there has been no Chinese series with the wide reach, critical acclaim, innovative and sophisticated narratives, and lasting cultural impact of American series like Breaking Bad, Star Trek, The Sopranos, and Friends, or Korean series like Squid Game. The average Chinese person has heard of Friends, but only a vanishingly-small number of Americans have heard of Nirvana in Fire.

    Did you know that Friends is a ripoff of the Black TV series Living Single?

    If you didn’t then you are part of the problem and you don’t even know it

    The problem has little to do with “media quality”. It has to do with language-based social circles.

    • Whites watch white media
    • Whites are fluent in english
    • a global group of multinational disorganized Africans and Asians are learning english

    naturally, this means they speak with whites, spend time on white social media sites, and pick up white media tastes and memes
    almost nobody learns Mandarin, so this same thing never happens in reverse

    In my opinion the main problem is still just material. Material conditions are still better in the West than in China, so there’s still a motive to learn English.

    Also since China is a Western foe, they’ll never even allow Chinese pop culture to rise within their social media bubbles anyway. And since 95% of communication takes place on those bubbles, China is kinda just SOL for now (but the problem will improve as material conditions in China improve)

  • lckdscl [they/them]@whiskers.bim.boats
    9 months ago

    Many have already said a lot, so I won’t write an essay here. I agree to a certain extent that culture is steered by the US in the popular consumer market. But if you take the center/periphery model of culture seriously (I don’t), then you can expect a lot of niche/scene things to come out of periphery nations and in turn influence the center nations, like US/UK. I can comment a few things:

    • Artistic merit lies in the eye of the beholder.
    • Just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s good. Likewise, if something that isn’t popular doesn’t mean it’s bad.
    • Hollywood has a lot of budget, big music labels in the US/UK have a lot of budget. They can hire experienced producer, promoters, gig/cinema managers etc. to promote and distribute their stuff. Art in the East does not often have the same budget to distribute and promote. This means lack of exposure on the consumer end.
    • Lack of local exposure on the artist end. If “Western” music is enjoyable, and Eastern musicians make music inspired from it, what’s the power play here? It’s not necessarily a hegemony, it’s a matter of recognising lineage and historical contingency.
    • Watch some USSR movies (e.g. Tarkovsky) and listen to some USSR music (e.g. Kino).
    • A lot of Japanese anime/manga also has “unlikeable and selfish main characters, and boilerplate, tropey plots.” Big budget and high incentive to pump out a lot of content will lead to slop, but there’s always a % that produces instant hits and cult-classics.
    • There’s a lot of cool and hip Eastern-based music out there, you will have to look outside the top charts though (same goes for Western music). Again, your opinion lies ultimately in the eye of the beholder: I find Hollywood movies too cookie-cutter, and Western top chart music too overproduced and formulaic still. There are small scenes and collectives anywhere, pushing the frontier for arts and media. What about ZA/UM, making Disco Elysium?
    • Lots of cool scenes in London/New York come from immigrant/world musicians. Just because it comes from the US/UK doesn’t make it “Western”.
  • vehicom@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    others have said a lot, but i just wanted to add

    I’ve tried talking to a therapist about it but they just suggested that I try to stop identifying as Chinese and start identifying as American.

    is ridiculous to the point of satire. It feels like something someone would satirically say rather than unironic advice from a therapist.

    • miz@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      “just identify as a genocidal imperialist instead, problem solved”

      fuck what a terrible therapist

    • Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      You need to unlearn ”team sports” mentality.

      I don’t entirely agree with OP but this is wrong. “The cultural power war” is real and anyone who thinks otherwise is on par with the class-reductionists (aka race deniers) of the US left. (either maliciously denying reality, or not flexible enough to grasp it)

    • TheCommunismButton@lemmygrad.mlOP
      9 months ago
      1. Yes, I do, but it’s hard to keep a positive mindset when people constantly use this to prove the superiority of the Western system. I view cultural development as something that’s just as important as scientific advancement, and the inability for global south countries, even moderately prosperous ones with good infrastructure and scientific output like China, to even begin to match the cultural might of the global north leaves me with no good answer to that assertion.

      2. Yes I do enjoy certain Chinese media, and I do support artists I like on Bandcamp and watch movies I like in theaters. But I don’t want to reward mediocrity. I think one of the many reasons Chinese cultural development has lagged behind their economic development is because they have such a large captive market that there’s no need to be particularly innovative or polished. You don’t have to capture the hearts and minds of the entire Chinese population to be successful - just a percentage is still a huge number in absolute terms.

      3. Yeah I’m currently studying singing and songwriting, and this is a huge motivator. I would like to make songs in Chinese some day but I’m not fluent at all. We’ll get there, though.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]@hexbear.net
      9 months ago

      You need to unlearn ”team sports” mentality. Can you enjoy movies, songs, etc for what they are without bringing a competitive nationalist mindset to it?

      Only if you bring a competitive communist mindset to it, which is better anyway.

  • 中国共产党万岁@lemmygrad.ml
    9 months ago

    Great writeup! I think I get what you’re saying. I’m honestly not sure what the answer is though.

    However, I think there’s no strong reason why the west will be able to hold on to cultural hegemony. The only thing I can think of is the bourgeois nature of western art - more bourgeois people means that more people can afford to pursue arts with a financial cushion, although this isn’t the case for many instances. Rich people are the primary audience of fine art, as well. Investment seems to help, as you can see with the success of Kpop. I’m not familiar with the artistic contributions of the Soviet Union, but that could be another interesting body of evidence.