• NotMyOldRedditName@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Thanks! I appreciate the reasoned discussion here as well

    why Musk would call Tesla basically worthless without AI?

    He says a lot of things and that’s definitely a hyperbolic statement. He seems to think the company is going to be worth 10+ trillion dollars with FSD and Bots solved, so maybe under a trillion plus the hit they’d suffer from failure is basically worthless?

    So they will not become as big as the rest of top 10 combined

    If Tesla actually comes out and makes 20 million vehicles sometimes in the 2030’s and can get reasonably high profits, I don’t think it’s as far fetched as one might think especially after you take the energy side into account. They don’t have to do the 10 on cars alone, as energy grows. And remember, Tesla is legitimately making high profits on these cars, even at these lower prices. Other auto manufactures haven’t figured this out even on ICE cars (not trucks) where margins are comparatively low, so there’s no reason to believe Tesla can’t keep higher margins than them with volume. If Tesla lowers their prices to be more competitive, others will have to follow, and because they can keep lowering their car prices due to better margins, they can drive the others to 0 or below (except for lower volume luxury makers like Porsche with crazy high margins anyway). As long as Tesla continues to lead on the engineering side with things like their 48v architecture, they’ll maintain higher margins.

    In reality though the only way they can ever reach their 20 mil goal though is going to be some huge manufacturing breakthrough or FSD. So maybe that’s what he actually means as well? No FSD, they can’t make their 20m lofty sale dreams which is somewhat priced in, the company loses its value? Maybe even the infrastructure they build towards that goal starts being idled because they overshoot and start losing more money than expected?

    We really need to see the Gen 3 platform to get an idea of the future though. I personally wasn’t too worried about CT delays as it was never going to be a super high volume vehicle and probably never going to be sold outside NA, but when it comes to Gen 3 Tesla is talking the big talk right now on it, but it’s all just speculation until we see it, and how their optimizations are going to impact margins. All we know from Elon is it’s in advanced stages of development, whatever that means. I think they learned their lesson with the CT/Semi though which they revealed at the very early stage.

    The competition from China is already real

    Sorry you’re right, China is legit there in China and area. The Chinese competition is a legit threat to all auto manufactures. They do still need to get their manufacturing plants set up in other countries though, so in that sense, it’s still coming. Them producing out of the EU and Mexico is going to be a rude wake up call for a lot of people.

    Semi unrelated, but I also have really high hopes for Hyundai/Kia. They seem to be taking it more seriously than others, people really like their EVs, but then they do this, which is baffling https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kia-canada-car-sales-1.7063216 and they also seem to have a problem with their dealers saying a battery replacement is going to cost $60,000 CAD which is ridiculous. They got some operational things they need to sort out, but I don’t think it has to do with their actual cars.

    • Buffalox@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      If Tesla actually comes out and makes 20 million vehicles sometimes in the 2030’s and can get reasonably high profits, I don’t think it’s as far fetched

      Problem for Tesla becoming that big, is not just that others are making decent electric cars now. The problem is that Tesla is no longer the technology leader, which they were by far for about 10 years. But today we have Blade batteries from BYD that are both safer and cheaper than Tesla, The 50% VW owned Yiwei, just released a new car with sodium-ion batteries, which are cheaper more durable and works better at low temperatures, and can charge faster than existing batteries. The engines VW already uses in their ID series are way better engineered than Tesla, resulting in both more compact and lower weight than a Tesla with equivalent power. All in all Tesla is losing their technological leadership in key areas like Batteries, charging and engines. The rest is basically a traditional car, except the computer AI which Tesla is also behind on.

      It’s naive to think other EV makers can’t build cars as cheap as Tesla, Tesla had a very strong head start, and traditional car makers have had a very serious disruptions in their development and some supply chains, which they are only just now beginning to manage about as well as the old ways.

      But something is happening in the industry, that I’m not quite aware of what is. But 10 years ago, we could buy a new car here for 75K DKK, adjusted for inflation that would be about 87K today. But the cheapest car available today is 139K, so it’s 50% more expensive to buy the cheapest car today, than what was possible 10 years ago??? To be fair it’s one model series higher.
      Obviously for a time, it was the chip shortage, that meant the cheapest cars were the first to get axed dur to the shortage. But the shortage is over, so why haven’t the cheap cars come back? This is something that has happened across all makers of the cheapest available cars! More expensive cars have gone up too, but not as much.

      My point of mentioning this, is that you shouldn’t discard the competition from traditional car makers, they are all in this to make money. The money is moving more towards EV, so car makers too are moving more towards EV. They are far from in full force yet, as they ICE production is still the majority of their revenue and profits. But maybe the reason the cheap cars haven’t come back, is that they want to make us used to pay more, and make EV more attractive?

      I claim that currently, traditional car makers could make and sell ICE cars that are at least a third cheaper than what is currently available, and still make a profit on them. But for some reason they choose not to. So don’t be too sure they can’t make EV cheaper and more competitive too, but they do what makes them the most money. And when VW sell an ID7 it’s very likely at the cost of a VW ICE car.
      So just like you say Tesla competes with ICE mostly, so do traditional car makers, except they are also competing against their own products. How the bean counters value this I don’t know, but I bet they try to prevent to much disruption, because disruption cost money, and they try to prevent competing to much against themselves.

      In a few years the tilt will be more clearly towards EV, and that will change the economic models for traditional car makers, and that’s when traditional carmakers will be all in to compete in EV markets.
      Most have already arrived, and they’ve come to stay, but they are not in full force yet. Except the Chinese that have car makers that like Tesla started with electric and only make electric.