Do you, as a person who delivers through DoorDash or UberEats or what have you, prefer to be tipped through the app or in cash?

    8 months ago

    Over here in germany, tipping is synonymous with cash and using the tip feature of apps is frowned upon because it adds an unnecessary middleman.

    Not sure how transferrable that is to other countries, us germans really like cash.

    8 months ago

    I haven’t done any Uber driving for quite some time and never did DoorDash at all, so keep in mind this information may not be valid…

    From what I could see, Uber never took a cut of the tip, so app vs cash shouldn’t matter…but…I would still prefer cash, because I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Uber did, in fact, take a cut. Though more importantly, just make sure you tip one way or another. There was something clearly faulty with how Uber calculated their fees for food as opposed to passengers. I did a few Uber Eats deliveries, but turned it off once I saw how little it paid. $2-4 for 30-40 minutes was ridiculous, and it only gets worse if you have any problems (food wasn’t ready…or the customer has you bring it to their door which could be on the 8th floor of their apt building…oh, and you can’t park at the apt building without being a resident…or maybe the Uber Eats driver before you grabbed your order). I strongly discourage using Uber Eats unless you’re prepared to tip very, very well. Uber is barely paying them. I was only occasionally driving for Uber for extra cash around my full-time job, but there are people that are taking every ride that comes up because it’s their only income. Until compensation in the food service industry is fundamentally reworked, always tip well.

      8 months ago

      Until compensation in the food service industry is fundamentally reworked, always tip well.

      Unfortunately I think the reality is that as long as people are tipping well, there is little motivation on any party (except the customer) to rework compensation in the food service industry.

      As a customer, I hate the situation. The explosion in tipping (both expected amount and breadth of jobs relying on tips) I’ve seen in my couple decades as an adult is staggering. But I still want my server to be paid decently, and therefore I tip decently. But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time, knowing that the establishment is relying on my guilt to pick up the slack in their compensation.

        8 months ago

        Unfortunately I think the reality is that as long as people are tipping well, there is little motivation on any party (except the customer) to rework compensation in the food service industry

        The people who actually have the power to change this are the companies, as businesses in the US at least have a disproportionate buying power of democracy. Unless what you do hurts a business’ bottom line, it won’t rework any system. You either have to adjust the politics so that businesses have less sway, or you just end up making sure someone who’s already not getting paid enough gets paid even less. The company has no incentive to pay them more. A living wage has to be legislated