Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Dalek Thal@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Extraordinarily happy new Doctor Who is up (please no spoilers). That said though, fuck the BBC and their refusal to make anything pre-2005, nor any of the spin-offs available here.

    You’d really think they’d make it available, given we’ve been the only country in the world to have televised every episode at one point, but nope.

    And companies wonder why piracy is such a big fucking issue in this country…

  • Nath@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Day 43/70: First day of week 7 weigh-in.
    Down 1.0kg. It’s funny, bike problems had me running to/from work two days this week. A spike in runs (72km this week) has not translated to a spike in weight loss.

    Edit: it was 0.9kg, but then I went to the toilet and lost another hundred grams!

      • Nath@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        I want to be able to reliably run 10km in 45-50 minutes again.

        I haven’t been that quick since I was in an accident in 2019. My lunchtime runs are only 7.5km, because I can’t fit a 10km run into an hour.

        • dumblederp@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          Are you following a running program? Or running a lot for 70 days?

          1.0 kg loss would indicate that you’re eating the right amount for the training. Your body has the energy to recover. You’re less likely to develop an injury. My last c25k I stopped because my knee started hurting.

          • Nath@aussie.zone
            10 months ago

            No program or anything. I usually just run every workday at lunchtime. I also cycle to/from work. I’m not particularly fast nor do I train for any specific events. It’s just for health/fitness.

            I have stepped it up to running on the weekend as well, but that’s been the only real change.

            • dumblederp@aussie.zone
              10 months ago

              I reckon you’d find benefit from a training program. Maybe for the next 70 days. There’s a bunch of methods to get more value from your training… if you want more value. I like lifting but I’m not a max lifter chasing big numbers, I just like my body to feel well tuned from lifting.

  • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Word vomit ahead:

    I had the best day yesterday in a long long time. Met with a friend for some dranks and she’s a very close friend. I did have a crush on her about two years back (maybe I still do) but I’m not about to go tell her that now am I?

    Anyway, she was pouring out about her life and how she wants to get married by 28 and have 2 kids blah blah and was talking about her ex and their issues (which I won’t go into). Then she was talking about this mutual friend of theirs, how he ticks a lot of boxes for her but she felt weird after their interactions (all platonic). She gave me a few examples of certain situations that put her off but she wasn’t able to reconcile why. I put my analytical hat on and laid out stuff the way I saw it and she was genuinely surprised by what she had missed.

    Anyway, she then said it must be nice being me cuz I’m so happy and have a good job etc etc. Which is obviously not true and I told her as much, I just don’t talk about it as much because I’m a very private person. We then spoke about me and I told her a few things about me. A lot of it was self doubt. Starting with my biggest issue - not having a wide enough friend circle. I felt that I didn’t have the conversational skills, maybe I was boring, something about me that puts people off idk?? And she reassured me that I just haven’t found my people yet. That she loved hanging out with me and that’s a testament to this. She generally doesn’t hang out with guys 1:1 but she felt comfortable and safe with me. Anyway, I felt great after the chat as I really needed to get it out of me. She got a bit touchy touchy towards the end but I think she was quite tipsy.

    I think I like her but we have very different priorities in life. She wants to get married soon, and while I’m not completely opposed to that, it might be a bit early for me. She wants two kids and I’m borderline no kids / 1 maybe. Also she needs to get married to a Christian cuz family pressure (which I’m not). Also sucks that she’s exactly my type 😩. Oh well.

    Thanks for listening to my word vomit.

    • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      I have found that having different interests and to some extent different priorities is not the obstacle that society thinks it is.

      Compromise, respect and good will is most important. Usually a good partnership will nurture each person in their growth, interests and aims.

      Miss Seagoon learnt this the hard way, her 1st husband actively discouraged her career and interests to the point where discouragement wasn’t enough to stop her, he started abusing her. He just had no interest in an equal partnership or her as a person.

      What I’m saying is. If it feels very right then pursue it. This good feeling rare. You can sort out the rest later.

      • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        That’s the thing though. I do want to pursue it but it wouldn’t be fair to either of us. She wants to get married soon, I don’t. She wants kids, I’m a maybe. And the biggest one is she needs to marry a Christian.

        • Catfish@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          The religion thing can sometimes work out, but kids is utterly non negotiable. Somebody will end up miserable and resentful. Until you can absolutely say which side of the fence you fall on, something serious cannot be on the table.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    This little magpie would be at least 20-30yrs old. Has a little chat before being fed (with sneaky CaCO₃)