Currently want to become a programmer, but my motivation/drive to actually learn Data Structures and Algorithms is very little.

Curious if any have any studies or proven techniques to improve drive/motivation.

  • Shambling
    10 months ago

    Find ways to rely less on motivation. Shift to discipline and habits or patterns.

    I don’t feel like going to the gym 9 times out of 10. I go because it’s on my calendar and it’s what I do Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

    I don’t want to practice the language I’m learning most days. I do it because I have phone reminders to practice at the same time every day right after breakfast.

    If I get to the point of dreading the thing, I reevaluate why I’m doing it to begin with and whether I really want to continue. I’ve worked really hard on being able to drop things that don’t “spark joy”, to borrow from Kondo, without feeling guilty for quitting.