Not a bad idea with the kayaks. I just bought a couple of old style geoff barker kayaks/ canoes from an old bloke who does that as a hobby. The old style fibreglass kayaks really lend themselves to easy and quality repair jobs. I felt like we both got a win out of the sale.
They’re pretty fun on the water compared to my old plastic behemoths. So easy to load and unload and takes almost zero energy input to paddle. Bloody easy to tip them over though!
Not a bad idea with the kayaks. I just bought a couple of old style geoff barker kayaks/ canoes from an old bloke who does that as a hobby. The old style fibreglass kayaks really lend themselves to easy and quality repair jobs. I felt like we both got a win out of the sale.
They’re pretty fun on the water compared to my old plastic behemoths. So easy to load and unload and takes almost zero energy input to paddle. Bloody easy to tip them over though!