We can add anything as an emoji and we virtually have an infinite amount of slots available.
Post the emojis you want here, most upvoted will be added.
Please upload them on Lemmygrad ready to be used, due to the way uploading emojis work. That means you need to get rid of the background etc. This is what the interface requires:
and every field must be filled, so please provide a name for it (as well as : : shortcode) and some keywords I guess. Not sure what these are used for. About categories I’m not sure we’re really gonna use them, at least not yet.
edit: they get really small when you upload them too, see here:
So keep that in mind when you suggest an emoji.
name shortcode keywords image Lenin Tears of Joy :leninlaugh: lenin, laugh, cry Lenin With Love :leninkiss: lenin, kiss, love, medal Lenin Flag Thumbs Up :leninyes: lenin, flag, yes, okay Lenin Surprised :surprisedlenin: lenin, surprised, hat Lenin Wave (art) :leninwave1: lenin, wave, hello Lenin with Sunglasses :lenincool: lenin, cool, sunglasses Lenin We Can Poster :leninwecan: lenin, we can, poster MEL Thinking :melthink: marx, engels, lenin, think, hmm Lenin in Robe :leninrobe: lenin, robe Lenin Carrying Log :leninstrong: lenin, log, strong Lenin Writing :leninwrite: lenin, writing, thinking, working Lenin Facepalm :leninfacepalm: lenin, facepalm Lenin Finger Guns :leninfingerguns: lenin, finger guns Lenin Pulls Out Shotgun :leninshotgun: lenin, shotgun Sad Lenin Statue :sadlenin: lenin, statue, sad Lenin Flips Off :leninflipoff: lenin, flip off, middle finger, bird Lenin Cheers :lenincheers: lenin, cheers, tea, toast Lenin Protects his Cat :leninbadnews: lenin, cat, bad news, oh no Lenin Robs a Bank :leninmoney: lenin, bank, money, robbery Lenin is Unamused :leninannoyed: lenin, annoyed, unamused Lenin Shrug :leninshrug: lenin, shrug, i guess Lenin What :leninwhat: lenin, what, how, why MEL Party :mellaugh: marx, engels, lenin, ML, laugh Lenin Yells at Capitalists :leninyell: lenin, capitalist Lenin plays the Accordion :leninaccordion: lenin, accordion, music Saint Lenin :saintlenin: lenin, saint, hamsic Lenin Whatever :leninwhatever: lenin, whatever, eye roll Lenin Distressed :lenindistressed: lenin, distress, oh no, joey Lenin Crying :lenincrying: lenin, crying, sad Lenin gives you a Rose :leninrose: lenin, rose Lenin Shush :leninshh: lenin, shush, shh, secret Lenin has an Idea :leninidea: lenin, idea, lightbulb Lenin on Vacation :leninbeach: lenin, beach, vacation Lenin Doesn’t Want Your Money :leninmoney: lenin, money, no, bribe Lenin Okay :leninokay: lenin, okay Kiss Your Lenin Bust :leninbust: lenin, bust, kiss Lenin Slaps the Bourgeoisie :leninslap: lenin, slap, bourgeoisie, bourgeois Lenin on the Train :lenintrain: lenin, train, tea Lenin with Flags :leninflags: lenin, flags Lenin Taps Head :leninheadtap: lenin, head tap, good idea, roll safe Finally finished.
I’m not going to add that other set I mentioned in previous edits because I looked and they would be unreadable when small. Heck, some of these might be, too, but they’re better.
just trying to use everything
“When Yogthos starts arguing with libs in a Ukraine post.”
Name: Glowie/Glowing Fed
Shortcode: :glowie: (alternatively if we don’t want that because of certain associations :glowfed:)
Keywords: fed, glow, imperialism
Name: Young Xi smiling
Shortcode: :youngxi: (open to suggestions)
Keywords: Xi, young, smiling
Name: Xi pointing gun
Shortcode: :xigun:
Keywords: Xi, gun, china flag
deleted by creator
I’ve dwawn a few real quick, what do you think?:
name: mom, there is a china under my bed
code: :china_scare:
keywords: china, red scare, manifacturing consent, anti-china
name: facsist cringe
code: :facringe:
keywords: fascist, cringe, reactionary
name: social democratie simp
code: :socdemsimp:
keywords: socdem, social democratie, europe, western, bourgeoie democratie
tel me what you think, you can redraw them if you think you can make them better.
I love the first two, not sure what we would do with the last one. But they should be cut into 2 emojis each, so that we can use them individually or in combination. They would look too small as 1 emoji anyway.
I don’t know, the last one looks vaguely anti semetic. The massive nose just doesn’t sit really well with me.
You think? I wasn’t thinking of any type of people in particular when I drew this, I just randomly chose to give him a big nose because it look goofy.
I think it looks goofy too, and I do like it, but the large nose feels a bit rough, reminds me a bit to much of something like the sneering merchant.
I see what you mean but I would argue that just a large nose alone isn’t spesific to stereotips about jews specifically. The beard, the expression, the hat, ect are just as important in that depiction. If we had to ban everything that mearly share one trait with it, we would have to ban pictures of Marx (because of his beard).
As a german I have to second @ComradeSalad. The nose was a very defining feature of a jew according to the nazis.
I tried to find a version of this with a transparent background but couldn’t.
I think the keywords field is for when people want to search the emoji collection
Better quality
we NEED this one
too trashy tbh
almost unreadable
Care Comrade
Comrade Zoidberg
Marx ok
Christ laugh
These are some of my favorites.
if you remove the background on zoidberg I’ll add him