That’s why instead of having 1 fully functional shipping services, we have many half assed and inefficient ones.

Fedex Rant

I’m just salty at Fedex for being the worst pakage services and delaying my package 4 times. I paid for 2 day shipping and am now looking at day 5(which I still would have been okay with if it came before the 31st!). What am I going to do with a Halloween costume on Wednesday? I hope all the workers organize and greatly increase their material conditions and the CEOs never see a bonus again.

Anyone have any other stories about the inefficiency of the innovations capitalism breeds to make me feel better?

  • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
    11 months ago

    “Buh…but…porky doing the right thing is childish, don’t be naive kiddo! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to write an op-ed about encouraging workers to throw in free labor for their boss, it’s the morally right thing to do even if it’s at your expense! Don’t be so selfish, be a TeAm PlAyEr!”