The rockets began around 6:30 a.m., Tal Gibly told CNN. Thirty minutes later, she and hundreds of others attending a music festival were running as Gaza militants fired at them.

The outdoor event in a rural farmland area near the Gaza-Israel border was supposed to be an all-night dance party, celebrating the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. But as dawn broke, Gibly said they began hearing sirens and rockets.

“We didn’t even have any place to hide because we were at [an] open space,” she told CNN. “Everyone got so panicked and started to take their stuff.”

Explosions can be heard in video taken by Gibly of her and friends walking through the quickly emptying concert grounds, roughly two miles from the border.

“Ima’le,” someone is heard saying, a common Israeli expression of fear or feeling startled.

Gibly and the others didn’t know it, but less than two miles away, Gaza militants had also begun attacking Israeli tanks and soldiers.

    1 year ago

    NOT that I support everything the Israeli government has done, and honestly the whole thing is a clusterfuck of epic proportions if we’re being honest. But, there’s a reason Israel has the area blockaded and controlled in the first place (or as you put it, has a boot on their neck) - Hamas’ goal is the eradication of the Jewish state and Jewish life and culture in the region. They hate Jews, pure and simple. At best, any Jews they might allow to stay if they had their way, would live under strict Islamic control like in other parts of the middle east. If I lived in Israel, I could be the most left-wing person you’d meet and I still wouldn’t advocate for the suicide of my people, because I’m not insane.

    Hamas does not share western leftist’s and liberal’s sense of justice or fairness. They are a militant Islamist terror organization. “Leaving them alone” and hoping they chill is a fantasy.

      1 year ago

      While I agree that there is no practical solution that’s just “Israel leaves” at this point, it also must be remembered that Hamas was funded by Israel in part because Fatah in the 90s had made too much progress in peace negotiations and appearing to be reasonably representative of the Palestinian people.

      It’s all kinds of fucked.

      1 year ago

      The whole notion of a “Jewish state” is theocratic, thus it should be eliminated. There is literally no reason for it to exist. It’s controlled by right-wing religious extremists who only care about spreading their silly, little fairy tale as much as possible instead of letting it die out like it is elsewhere.