First of all, this is not criticising or taking a cheap shot or really political at all. I am fascinated that a lawyer uses/brings a gaming laptop to trial and I can’t help but think it was contrived as another distraction.
What do y’all think? BTW, how expensive are they generally?
You think she plays League?
You’d want a Lenovo think pad or dell. They are enterprise-grade, with enterprise support and enterprise software.
The legal industry is almost 100% Lenovo/dell/hp. All legal software runs on them, and the legal it industry collaborates on issues,testing.
Lenovo and dell can spec an enterprise laptop that would be just as good if not better than what’s on that desk.
This screams “buy me the most expensive laptop you can” but they were talking to their nephew who “knows computers”
What a clown show.
If dell is the bar for enterprise grade then that’s not saying much. Everything I’ve seen from them in the last decade has been total ass. I’m using a 10 year old port replicator at work because I can’t run 3 monitors off my laptop with any of their newer shit.
I doubt any legal software requires enterprise hardware to run. You tend to go through those companies because they have the support structure setup for enterprises, otherwise the majority of what people do on their computers is pretty hardware agnostic, especially with how much is web based these days.
Also with the shortages over the past couple years just getting any laptop matters more in many cases than getting a specific laptop. At the same time, at least learn to turn off the RGB for a business environment.
I have my husband’s old work Lenovo and I love it