Yup, this degradation is all well understood. The only value I see is studying how a large portion of people use their devices to identify what the expected life actually is with the abuse they put their devices through.
Yup, this degradation is all well understood. The only value I see is studying how a large portion of people use their devices to identify what the expected life actually is with the abuse they put their devices through.
No problems synchronizing with LAN only mode in Orca Slicer for me.
Dunno, I just log into the website. Don’t need another app clogging up my phone.
Yup, you just need somewhere in your local network to install it. I’ve been using it on my P1S since I changed it to LAN only mode a couple weeks ago.
PebbleOS was open sourced and now the original founder who hasn’t worked for alphabet for ages wants to build a new device using the now open sourced OS. No way Google can drop support and they have essentially given the code away because they aren’t using it anymore.
That hydration is way too low. The recipe I use is 710g water and 850g flour which is over 83% hydration, your recipe is only 62.5% hydration. Even my normal bread recipe is higher hydration than that.
Also it’s focaccia, you can’t swap out the olive oil that is the defining ingredient and you need a ton of it. The bread should essentially be frying in oil while cooking.
Getting paid in stocks doesn’t affect how much income you report though. Shares are taxed as income as soon as they vest, and options are considered income when you exercise them at the difference between fair market value and the strike price.
It is only additional capital gains after that point that are taxed at the reduced rate because it is the same starting point as if you bought the shares on the open market.
Uber’s support is an actual nightmare to deal with. I had an issue where they charged me significantly more for an order than the website said. Their support just wouldn’t do anything except go through their script and tell me I’m shit out of luck. They only had someone do something when I complained at them on Twitter.
I’d probably just say something non-pressuring but supportive like “I know with everything that is going on recently that things may be challenging for you right now. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I’ll support you in any way I can.”
Yeah this is pretty much what I’m doing. My subscriptions are pretty much spaces about my interests that post positive content, and even then I filter out keywords for the bullshit that leaks in. Trying to spend more time reading books and unplugging from the internet. It still feels so hard to avoid the depressing bullshit though.
Hard to make a good recommendation right now. Prusa really didn’t impress with the core one because they are still using their old bed size (z height isn’t important at all for me) and the MMU just isn’t as good as the AMS. Creality still has OQC issues that enough people encounter even on their high end printers.
There aren’t really even sls printers in that price point yet despite there being somewhat cheaper ($20kish) options for awhile. I wouldn’t expect anything for at least 5-10 years.
You don’t become a billionaire by pure luck though, you need to seek out situations that could make you rich and then you need to get incredibly lucky (unless you are born into money of course).
Being the type of person that seeks out becoming that rich is going to have to do it at the expense of others.
Ideally we can use this strategy to our benefit, tell the North American automakers that there needs to be x readily available models of electric cars with minimum specs at a certain price by a specific date or they will open up the market to China who will eat their lunch.
If treating people with respect and standing up for the greater good of an inclusive society that doesn’t villainize people who aren’t harming others is virtue signalling then I wear the title proudly.
The weight of the meat is fairly inconsequential since it is just a bit denser than the water. Floating is purely due to trapped air in the sous bide bag so you just need enough weight to overcome the buoyancy force of the air.
That isn’t a paperweight, that is a board in need of minor repair. If you don’t have the skills to do it yourself then find an electronic repair shop, they should be able to fix it for you pretty easily. Soldering on a new connector is like the most basic repair to do.
Its amazing how quickly these assholes have dropped any sort of facade they were keeping up towards their public image. At best they are doing whatever they think will get them the most money, more realistically they actually support this regressive bullshit. As a non-American I am so pissed at what a good portion of that country has voted for and those that stayed home instead of preventing this.
I clean the earwax off/out of them when I see it or the sound is affected (I wear deep insertion IEMs with tri-flange silicone tips), but otherwise just replace the tips when they wear out a couple times a year.