“We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, and decrease of goods, life and fruits. Give glad tidings to the patient. who, in adversity say: 'We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. On those will be prayers and mercy from their Lord, those are guided.“ ( Text from Al-Quran, the holy book of Islam)
To the honorable people of Gaza,
After the events that have taken place, the temporary ceasefire, and before the implementation of Trump’s forced plan which will impose your forced displacement whether you like it or not, we have decided to make a final appeal to those who wish to receive aid in exchange for cooperating with us. We will not hesitate for a moment to help.
Reconsider your choices, for the world map will not change if all the people of Gaza vanish. No one will feel for you, and no one will ask about you. You are left alone to face your inevitable fate. Even Iran cannot protect itself, wovhow it can protect you. you have seen with your own eyes what happened. Neither US nor Europe cares about Gaza. Not even your Arab countries, which are now our allies, supplying us with money, oil, and weapons, while sending you only coffins.
The game is almost over, and only a little remains.
Whoever wants to save themselves before it’s too late, we are here to stay until Judgment Day.
Absolutely disgusting.