Just hopping on here in case it’s not well known, he’s eating off of a pewter dish. Pewter reacts with the acids in tomatoes to release bioavailable lead, causing lead poisoning if done long term. Lead poisoning makes you more violent and oppositional, as well as stupider.
Pewter (silver +lead) used to be really popular because it was easier to work and more resilient than 100% silver. At least until we figured out it was leaching lead into food.
Just hopping on here in case it’s not well known, he’s eating off of a pewter dish. Pewter reacts with the acids in tomatoes to release bioavailable lead, causing lead poisoning if done long term. Lead poisoning makes you more violent and oppositional, as well as stupider.
Pewter (silver +lead) used to be really popular because it was easier to work and more resilient than 100% silver. At least until we figured out it was leaching lead into food.
You just gave a better explanation than Rowling ever could for why wizards are all dumb