I love birds so much I often check the local crows and pigeons and a few other species. But pigeons are defenitely not the sharpest. They can be tamed though.
Pigeons are so lovable. People bat them away and kick at them and yet they never seem to take offense, in fact they come right back like nothing happened. I wish I had that kind of patience and fortitude.
I love birds so much I often check the local crows and pigeons and a few other species. But pigeons are defenitely not the sharpest. They can be tamed though.
Pigeons are so lovable. People bat them away and kick at them and yet they never seem to take offense, in fact they come right back like nothing happened. I wish I had that kind of patience and fortitude.
Surprisingly a little known fact: pigeons are doves.
Yes, literally rock doves. And yet for some reason the white doves are beautiful symbols of peace and the rock-colored doves are filthy flying vermin.
My theory: pigeons are dirty and scruffy because they survive on trash, and that’s why humans hate them. We see our ugly reflection in them.
I like them. I like watching them walk around with their little heads bobbing to their steps.
Doves to do build the stupidest nests. That is one community I miss from reddit. And it’s just about the right time of year for it now.