I can’t wait to build hyper-walkable cities and make parking space non-existent.
However, it feels like all games I’ve ever been hyped about have turned out disappointing, like Cyberpunk and KSP2. However, the CS2 devs seem to be showing off their game without much restriction and they aren’t exactly making out of this world promises which makes me feel that this time it might turn out diffirently…
Hopefully the car traffic is better. As usual for a Paradox game, I’ll just pirate it. I can’t stand their business model of releasing a game in Alpha state and then selling base content as DLCs.
I have just shy of 3,500 hours played on Cities Skylines, but I couldn’t keep up with the torrent of DLC’s which made me stop playing it. When they started selling things as DLC’s that moders hade previously released for free I just lost hope, but the modding community was a huge part of why I kept playing as long as I did, and I really hope they are allowed to be a part of it this time around too. Although I fear everything is being commercialized and monetized up the wazoo these days, I will probably have to give it a go eventually.
Considering how shallow and underdeveloped CK3 and Victoria 3 came out compared to their predecessors, I wouldn’t hold my breath for any Paradox sequel for a while.
In the case of CK3 and Vic3, those were developed by Paradox Development studio (PDS), whereas Cities Skylines is by a different studio, Colossal Order. I have more hope for them, personally.
good point!