Failing to redress the issues facing young men will push them further towards the far right
in several areas there is now a reverse gender gap, with boys, particularly those from poorer backgrounds, struggling to keep up with girls
Do you think this is an important issue?
Then we’d all be dead without a chance to repent.
And then God said:
“Lol. Lmao”
So god isn’t stopping the genocide because doing so wouldn’t let the genociders repent?
Yes. Same way God isn’t stopping you from sinning because doing so wouldn’t let you repent
But god can force Pharaoh to sin by hardening his heart to Moses’s pleas arbitrarily lengthening the Israelites’ suffering and robbing a human of his free will in the process.
I don’t think the Israelites are sitting in heaven after several thousand years upset over the few extra weeks they spent in captivity. That’s besides the point, Pharaoh’s heart was hardened by God removing the Holy Spirit, which is needed for repentance. It’s still Pharaoh’s free will, after he ignored spiritual conviction
So there’s a certain amount of spiritual conviction god could give genociders to convince them to stop while it still being considered free will but refuses?
We’re the one that refuses it. Pharaoh was clearly refusing it, and blasphemed the Holy Spirit
The refusing in the statement I made is being done by god, not us. I’m asking if god refuses to do the opposite of what he did to Pharaoh to end modern day genocides since you believe it wasn’t robbing Pharaoh of his free will and you believe that free will is necessary for repentance.
if no sin occurs, nothing to repent
True, but all have sinned
if all have sinned in a situation where no sin occurs, then you can’t say “true”
What do you mean situation where no sin occurs?
I mean a situation where the god that christians worship both CAN prevent people from sinning and DOES actually prevent people from sinning.