It also gives you a retreat space if you’d like to stay, but want half an hour to yourself midway through.
It also gives you a retreat space if you’d like to stay, but want half an hour to yourself midway through.
Never sample your own product, I guess.
I think Brum lives in the Cotswolds.
CT would never make it there, too many A roads.
The UK trots out legislation like this every few years.
So far, it’s not gone through.
However, to paraphrase a parasomething, “You have to defeat the proposal every time, we just have to make it law once”
Geralt is a very popular man.
80% of the noise over 75dB in a French city is two stroke petrol scooters going “baaaaaaababababbaaaaaaa” at 3 in the morning.
Always nice to have a silver lining!
I really don’t want to think about a 10 year future where everyone has to go through this.
The bioaccumilation of PFAS in mortal blood is concerning for me and my colleagues.
It would be very sad to live for 600 years, only to be killed off by fire suppressant.
Somebody didn’t get the memo: OSB is not a sensible wall finish.
IIRC, the owner chose to support brexit because it might mean the UK implemented minimum alcohol pricing sooner, which might have increased his trade when the gap between supermarket and pub drinking got smaller.
It really rubbed me the wrong way that was his reason.
They’d catch a death of cold.
I was curious about how the zoning works on it. (I also have not a clue how planning permission works in the US)
It doesn’t look like any external windows, so maybe it’s a “this is technically industrial/farm space, but oh look, there is a bed and a kitchen, fancy that!” sort of deal.
Spoons and BD have been on my “do not drink at” list for a while.
This underlines the BD one for me.
“What if we built a private water distribution system, that took priority over regular people’s supply, then charged for access during wildfires?”
Aha, so that’s how we win the ex-pat gammons over to rejoining the EU…
At this point, what’s left to cut?!
BIzzare, no idea why it didn’t populate. Fixed, anyway, thanks :)
Everyone has done a cracking job of the questions, so all I’ll add is:
Most ISPs are nationwide.
Almost all fixed lines have no data caps.
If you’re in a standard area, go with a provider that costs a little more, but have good customer service, and know their arse from their elbow.
Zen are good imo.
If you already know your address, their site will check what you can get, and how much it will be.
If you get a friend to refer you, you also get a £25 love2shop voucher.
Fixed line contracts are usually for 12-18 months.
You can get one month ones (give me a shout if you want them pointing out), but you may be better off with a 5G dongle for short term accommodation.
Further detail:
Most ISPs use the same physical wires/fibres owned by OpenReach, or an altnet, which go from your house to the nearest exchange.
You normally cannot speak to the wire/fibre provider directly, any maintenance request has to come from your ISP.
So if there is ever a problem, you’re relying on the ISP doing the legwork. So good CS is critical, imho.
You pay the provider, they pay the cable owner to get it to them, then provide the backhaul.
There are some area based exceptions, like single-provider fibre.
And there is also Virgin. But I wouldn’t go with Virgin.
What’s the pricing like on these normally?
It does look a lot more solid, and less nickable!
A very quick glance at the internet put it around £700 for their home one, a fair chunk more than the Reolink one (£70 ish when I last looked).
The ninjas will get you.