I could definitely see that happening and Trump end up in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking having to use a robot voice to speak or even better we end up with a weekend at Bernie’s situation.
There’s little chance a person of trump’s advanced age would be able to work out how to use a speech synthesiser like that, and given that trump can’t read, zero chance that he could do it.
This is why I think Marc Maron was right: The guy needs to have a massive stroke, so his supporters can see him alive with weakness and disability.
This is what he would do
I could definitely see that happening and Trump end up in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking having to use a robot voice to speak or even better we end up with a weekend at Bernie’s situation.
There’s little chance a person of trump’s advanced age would be able to work out how to use a speech synthesiser like that, and given that trump can’t read, zero chance that he could do it.
It would end up like the eternal emperor of warhammer…