Did you inhale?
Did you inhale?
Don’t forget to tip!
The localisation of office software functions is atrocious in all languages. They should have defaulted to Volapuk, so that at least we could all suffer together.
And I’ve seen first hand the result in the comment sections of the newspapers covering that speech here (yes, they are a festering pit, like everywhere else, still interesting to take a peek at every now and then to see what craziness bubbles to the top these days)…
Neither are proper chairs. I think you just shouldn’t stay on something for too long.
Sometimes, you have to get off your bike and let it frolic around for a bit while you walk around for a while.
I thought it was banana shaped?
They got the rope from aliens from another galaxy, and did everything else themselves.
I had the same one! Except that it said “Mandrake”. Apart from that, it was almost identical.
You could sew them together into a baseball cap and make new friends!
haunted and ashamed by their crime
If only they had the capacity for that. :-/
They’re making money aren’t they? They have to be doing something weird.
And some people play poker, or even chess. What can you do, people like old stuff.
It’s exactly like that. Except without the bachelor. Or the party.
Well, maybe a little bit of party.
Isn’t Fortran more or less Basic with Maths?
You thought documentation was bad, just wait a few months…
Noted. Don’t rely on crazy and prudish US companies for anything vital. You never know what they’ll be offended by next.
More ice ⇒ less drink.
Also price of ice < price of drink.
until “Peter the Roman” ends it all by destroying Rome
Maybe he’ll meet an antipope and they’ll both suddenly be annihilated in a huge explosion?
With a mirror, duh.
I thought that they moulted in the springtime.