
The Democratic National Committee and two other party committees have sued Trump over Executive Order 14215, which claims authority to seize control of the Federal Elections Commission.

The lawsuit argues this violates federal law and threatens free elections.

The order also claims power over other agencies including the SEC, FTC, and NLRB.

Democrats contend this executive overreach contradicts constitutional principles and a century of Supreme Court precedent upholding Congress’s authority to insulate certain agencies from presidential control.

      17 days ago

      Trump has lost several court cases already, and many are just getting started.

      I feel we define consequences differently.

      If you expect the judicial system to broadly restore the status quo under Biden

      I expected the judicial system to have him in prison, or have made a credible attempt at such, before his cultists could re-elect him. That’s why nothing about what it might do in the future has meaning to me. When it does something that matters, that will be fantastic. I hope I’m alive to see it.

      Right now we’re coming up on 5 years of fluff and Trump pulling change out of his couch cushions then replenishing it with NFTs, gold shoes, and other grift.

      So all these assurances ring hollow if I’m to take them as any indication that he won’t be able to continue raw dogging the US and the world until he gets sick of it or until arteriosclerosis finally does us all a favor.

        17 days ago

        Nobody promised Trump would end up in prison. There was a very good chance that a cultist on his jury would have refused to convict. Or he might have been found guilty only on lesser charges and ended up paying a fine. Juries are unpredictable and often disappointing, from OJ Simpson to Kyle Rittenhouse.

        It sounds like you expected the judicial system to do what voters failed to do. But the judicial system can’t stop Trump from being elected president. That was our responsibility as voters. Don’t blame judges when they can’t clean up our mess.