Totally not an ominous or fucked up to say when blue states are absolutely recoiling in horror at the fucking disgrace of a president he is /s

    24 days ago

    I don’t think you should be downvoted for your genuine ignorance to the situation. But now that you have been educated to the reality you should really work harder to educate yourself as to the mechanisms of propaganda that have embedded themselves in the institutions we have been conditioned to believe are the representatives of journalistic integrity which supposedly stand to speak truth to power as we enter into an obvious age of technocratic fascism masquerading as (neo)liberal democracy. A sham form of democracy has never been democratic since liberal democracy fights tooth and nail against economic democracy making it a de-facto class dictatorship nothing more, nothing less.

      23 days ago

      Yeah I know now… thanks for that …based on the community feedback though from others, .I think I’m going to filter this group. Nothing against you at all but I’m not going to engage with toxicity.

        23 days ago

        People are really tired with status quo and I understand why. But unfortunately we’ve had a class war waged against us for the last 54 years maybe even a little longer snd now many people don’t have the ability to understand how we got to where we are.all that matters is we are now here at a point of full fledged fascism and we need to mobilize and get ready for a civil war. Those in control of the current administration have said the revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it. The left that ass clown was talking about isn’t even the real left. The dem party is a neo liberal right leaning center controled opposition party and that’s a large part of the problem. True leftism has been eradicated from the discussion for the last 54 years and what we have told is left is actually feckless limp dicked conservatism masquerading as leftism fo maintain the class dictatorship at all costs. It is high time for accelerationism. Most social media outlets are completely censored and controlled. Now is the time to stand up, buy a gun, make some bug out kits/ plans, organize and prepare for the worst. It isn’t going to get better that is for sure.