Such a strange combination of items, who is buying mayo on the black market?
Damn, mayo and shampoo aren’t really a great luxury. Wonder if she’s her own fence? That’s poor people shit. Don’t know much about New Zealand social problems.
The stuff that’s stolen for resale is typically high value items, so Whittakers chocolate is no surprise. Meat is another common one, although that is perishable.
Shampoo, I guess it’s expensive enough to sell for a decent amount?
Very strange behaviour.
Why is it strange? It’s poverty driven shoplifting at face value. It’s not that hard to move that stuff in public housing or a trailer park. Probably not even a lot of organization to it.
Possibly acute or untreated mental illness.
Poor people shit. I’ve been pretty poor.
They are though? The treat mayos like Best Foods or Japanese style mayo are priced so high they are unaffordable.
Similarly mid range shampoo is okay if it’s on special, but most of the nice shampoos in the supermarket cost at least as much as a kilo of cheese.
The really cheap shampoo at Pak n Save makes your hair all break after a while using it. I figured out it’s probably because it uses the wrong kind of dimethicone, creating an impermeable layer on the hair shaft which dries it out, making it brittle.
People keep talking about the value of the items stolen but for most shoplifters it’s not about the value of the items, it’s the thrill of the experience. For many it’s a sort of a compulsion.
This looks like multiples that are easy to move or trade. Theft for a small gain. Methheads and really poor/desperate people do this kind of shit where I’m from. Like a crackhead with a box of candy bars.
Definitely could also be mental illness. Either way, in a perfect world, she’d talk to a social worker instead of another cop shortly after she was arrested.
I would say if you are addicted to meth or pretty much any other mind altering drug you are in fact suffering from mental illness.
Self medication and mental illness go together like peanut butter and jelly.