Rock and roll. Thanks for maintaining this place!
Rock and roll. Thanks for maintaining this place!
Appears to be a partial outage:
Duh duh, duh.
The beaver skull I found in a swamp agrees with you.
We could even put that over the entrance to their camp to encourage them.
You may already know this, but is commonly taught by evangelical fundy Protestants that Catholicism isn’t Christianity. It is considered a polytheistic cult due to the praying to and veneration of saints. By these group’s definition: Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not Christians.
Me? I think they all suck, but, I was raised by the fundies.
If I can offer more unsolicited advice, get on your local kink group’s discord and maybe go to some munches. They tend to be trans positive, organized, and accept pretty much all misfits. They will have a wider audience/gossip pipeline. I have seen some trans backlash and fascist politics in the community but it’s kept quiet and usually pushed away, just be aware it does exist and it’s okay to be suspicious.
If you have the means:
Have a cash supply and all your documents in case you have to run. Consider purchasing and learning to use a handgun if your mental state and living situation allow. Plan where you would run ahead of time and maybe take a day trip. We’re gambling that the Northeast will be okay. If you have to run, you won’t be alone.
As someone that was lucky enough to move out of one of those states, I sympathize. I think a lot of things will need to be word of mouth and open secrets like in the bad old days with diy abortions.
Scary times. Unsolicited advice, if you’re not already tied into your local alternative community, it is critical you do so now. Gay bars, BDSM community/munches, queer youth organizations, etc. Those venues may have to close or go deep under. Need to have preexisting relationships so you get a heads up on enforcement as well as access to underground help.
Sweet Hank, we will never forget your sacrifice to keep the party going.
Unfortunately, I would think the distribution partners remain anonymous. The states where these things are distributed will make the supplies illegal for this purpose. You would want the distributors anonymous so that they are not immediately stopped or caught in a sting when the law flips, if it hasn’t already.
Pedant moment. Benjamin Franklin was the key and kite guy. Edison was the lightbulb guy.
Say what you will about ICP, I’m not a fan. However, the lead guy endorsed Biden or Harris because of his mother and her rights.
Self medication and mental illness go together like peanut butter and jelly.
The wife and I like what is basically steak sushi. We don’t eat steak all the time, but when we do, it’s minimum sear. Cold center.
We are aware that we run an elevated risk for e. Coli.
We’re handling chicken with gloves until we get a better handle on it.
I really hope the bad old days don’t come back, it’s a real pain in the ass.
This looks like multiples that are easy to move or trade. Theft for a small gain. Methheads and really poor/desperate people do this kind of shit where I’m from. Like a crackhead with a box of candy bars.
Definitely could also be mental illness. Either way, in a perfect world, she’d talk to a social worker instead of another cop shortly after she was arrested.
Thanks! That’s about how I understand it, as well.
I get from the study that if your beef is properly aged, it should be pretty much impossible.
I had raw milk a few times, as a kid. Dad ended up with a Holstein through a funny trade, had a small Charolais herd. Didn’t care for it, I could taste the weeds. Nothing wrong with some homogenization and pasteurization.
Ain’t nobody explaining that shit.
Howdy, Podunk. Rednecks have to watch out on Lemmy.
There is some manipulation happening, my bullshit sensor has pinged more than once. There are also some folks that might be aliens or tankies or some sort of venomous communist/vegan you definitely wouldn’t want to share a free love commune with.
How likely is it that blue rare steak would transmit H5N1, do you reckon? USDA study.
I use a single action .22 Ruger more than any other gun. Long barrel, easy to aim, instinct shots for ratshot, cheap, durable. Use hollow points for groundhogs. One of my favorite tools.