Why is everything I want to do always forbidden! I can’t play with Nymphs … I can’t have a dozen MataMaids … And now I can’t follow the White Rabbit … At least this time its only one!! I mean … it’s not like I’ll be following “any” rabbit 🥺
it’s a test…
You think I’m not going to follow a rabbit when I see one?
I’d like to see you try, bunny-man.
Oh no, bun alert is leaking.
You know, I’ve never installed it, but i think I must now defy you and give it a try.
what is happening in this “FQA” about it
https://fqa.9front.org/fqa1.html#1.1it just goes from a normal FAQ to an anime thing then to bit formatting to some email from 2006 to a Simpson meme???
what???welcome to 9front
Did you use my promo code with your download??
I already did. I have the rabbit on three machines.
Every journey inst/start (s) with a single step