Also, this cat is absolutely destroying my thigh by making biscuits on it. But I’m really strong and loving, and I never have insane reactions to mild situations regardless of the state of the chemical balance in my brain or any external factors, nor do I lie or speak facetiously and with hyperbole.
For I am a dull man.
Sorry, sometimes I start writing and then I black out for a while and just say stuff.
This picture doesn’t convey that that at all. Lol
Pic unrelated except to the cat stuff
Biscuits with blades are always a mixed bag. Love you cat, but oww!
On a side note, I believe I have that same frog microfiber, I made mine into a gigantic blanket for my bed years ago.
Haha, that’s cool. This one was my son’s, and then my mom turned it into a throw pillow
Sorry to hear about your arm, fam, hope it gets better.
Thanks Sergio
Why are you wearing your dirty shoes inside?
Sorry, I just saw your comment.
It’s because my life and house are both treated as a workshop, with projects occurring everywhere all the time, and I’m just a fuckin’ antisocial little troll thing that grew up in the woods, near a pig farm, playing in an open sewer like a wormy little rat, and now I wear shoes inside, but not all the time - just if I was already wearing them and I’m in my own home and I don’t feel like taking them off. And when sounding like “ay,” as in “neighbor” and “weigh,” and on Christmas and weekends that take place in May.
I also wear them when cleaning the litter boxes, but those stay outside anyway unless there’s bad weather. And after “C.”
I’ve got the bookshelf version of that console cabinet. Sauder brand, right. I recognize the bevel and construction. Mine also bows on every shelf and on top. Frickin MDF wood…I feel your pain. Sweet table though-- could probably be stripped and varnished dark into something fancy. Check out those curved table legs and carved feet.
I’ll be honest with ya, I bought the console at Walmart about a decade ago and don’t remember anything about the branding, but you’re correct on every other aspect, lmao. I’ve put it through some shit, though.
And thanks on the table :-). I really should do something with it, as it will be passed down to my son. Along with the TV stand 🤣