It only takes one.
Just say no.
It only takes one.
Just say no.
I think that’s the one inverted color pic that is still widely recognizable by basically everyone, while not being someone particularly famous in a widely applicable way (Einstein and Marilyn Monroe are the only other two I can think of with iconic enough single-frame images to be able to be likewise recognized, but I’m open to other examples!)
Yeah because the economy is totally great right now and finding work that pays the bills is super easy!
— things said by people who are out of touch
Even when the economy was good, it took months to find new employment if you have to have any sort of standard (like minimum income above the minimum wage threshold). Most people right now can’t afford to be out of work for months.
Maybe your area was good, maybe your skill set is in demand, maybe you have zero standards or requirements to support your family, whatever it is, your experience is not at all the standard, and it’s much more likely you just have survivor bias. That’s when you say “it was easy for me, it should be easy for everyone!” While everyone else is struggling.
Understood. I would have normally understood .22 or .50, but those are the only two I’m particularly familiar with…
[Says the expert qualified former military idiot who only took the weapon quals because she had to… arcade light guns and listening are apparently really good training… (I’m as confused as the instructors were on that one…)]
Sorry, apparently everyone else understands this but I don’t, can you clue me in?
My state (big ag state) has a whopping 3 and 2 of those are hemp. The one that isn’t just hemp doesn’t have an area listed, just the state.
I mean I’m glad there are any… but yeah, not a super great resource for some areas lol
How much time has to pass before a grave robber becomes an archaeologist?
Holy fuck. That’s so much worse.
At least they don’t have to worry about sunburn because that can’t possibly be a comfortable or easy position to maintain for long periods of time…
Imagine a sunburned anal sphincter… shudder
One of the later red dwarf episodes has this. The ship gets upgraded to m-corp, which is pay-per-everything, and subscription-based, and as registered crew lister is the only one impacted. He can only see and hear things from m-corp.
I think you give them too much credit. As long as it doesn’t actively hurt their numbers, like x, it’s just part of the budget.
If it’s the primary, do you keep those drives with OS pre-installed on them, or is there like… some sort of bios-like built in to hold the ummm… OS image…? And what about the programs and files and stuff? All vpn/network accessed?
Hopefully you can sort out what that is asking… I know just enough about computers to fix Linux problems… if other people have posted about them… usually… with significant effort.
I haven’t had eggs since they were $2/dozen, so zero in like 8+ months, but when I have eggs (starting chickens and quail) I’ll be eating probably 2-4/day. When they were cheap I was averaging 3/day, including baked goods and such.
I really don’t eat much meat (can’t afford that either, but my digestive system doesn’t do well with a lot of meat anyway), and my mushroom cultures are taking foooooooorrrrrreeeeeeevvvvvvveeeerrrrr, so… need protein somewhere.
Featured in the… super amazing movie Waterworld (1995)
I made some video game themed Xmas ornaments out of air dry clay as a gift… they turned out fine, but I didn’t realize the paint I used on them didn’t do a good enough job sealing them up. They should have been resin-dipped. In places the paint cracked, moisture got in, and over a couple years expanded the paper-based clay through the cracks so they look super creepy now. Very disappointing.
Mistakes are a great way to learn, though.
This misses the most important part.
Every other part of history is crammed just before the 1900s, as a big lump sum. Who cares how long ago the 1600s are, it’s basically the same as the 1900s, right?
If you haven’t already come across them, you should check out some of the communities over on, we’ve got stuff from urban development and farming to transport, tech, and aesthetics :)
Biscuits with blades are always a mixed bag. Love you cat, but oww!
On a side note, I believe I have that same frog microfiber, I made mine into a gigantic blanket for my bed years ago.
I miss the days when you could get chicken egg size ones 4 for $1.
Don’t think that size even exists anymore… haven’t seen them in a long time.
I’d love to, but one of my senators is crackpot trumpy republican and won’t care (cus he won’t for sure) and the other is a dem who has always been vociferously opposed to all regressive stuff because she’s a lesbian. Whether or not she’s useful, ehh… she’s got a good and long-term track record for the state…
Frankly I’m too tired to keep playing these games when it quite clearly doesn’t matter. If we weren’t so heavily gerrymandered we’d have mostly blue state reps, but we got hit with the ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-ge-gerybomb! decades back and have no clear path to fair electoral maps so we stay solidly swingy.