This is history of China stuff. The modern things you see today is recent innovations. It was a very poor country even 15-20 years ago. It is mind blowing to see China going from “3rd world poor” to “almost-Star Trek” in the span of a decade. Everything is the result of a long winding road of changes and overhauls when things were going wrong etc.
Healthcare was privatized back in the the 1980s : Hospitals became state owned or private companies. Most people paid out of pocket. They created government run health insurance in the 2000s. Even back in the 2000s, China was poor AND it was paying for drugs and medical equipment from big multinationals.
Things aren’t completely free now BUT they are a fucking heap cheaper than they were 20 years ago. Back when it WAS free (pre-1980s), it wasn’t very good healthcare!
Because liberalization made it so that there would be copayment but it’s not the insanity that happens in the us
Its because the prices arent inflated to the point that the part the workers are meant to cover is unaffordable to them.
Mandatory for urban residents in employment, paid for with employer and employee contributions. Employers may pay 6% - 12% of salary, employees typically pay 2%².
Basic health insurance is 2% of your salary
Non-insured health care remains cheap.
Because it’s not the socialist paradise that people idealize it as.
Stunning analysis.
Your welcome
They literally can get access to nationalized insurance by paying a measly 2% of their income a year to the state lol
You realize foreigners (e.g. students, people on work visas) get shitty ass insurance that is nowhere near as good as the national insurance right? When people talk about how great China’s healthcare is they are basically hoping to go there and get some of that, but the truth is that you can’t. Even for citizens, there are plenty of stories of people struggling to pay medical bills and drug bills. The Chinese gov has even greenlit movies that highlight these issues.
You’re talking about the film 我不是药神. It was set in 2004.
Things have changed DRASTICALLY now.
As for Chinese insurance covering FOREIGNERS, was that even the original question?
You can travel to China and pay outright for far cheaper than the US. In fact medical tourism is a big industry in China already and it’s growing fast.
See this recent summary of a report on the industry
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
When people talk about how great China’s healthcare is they are basically hoping to go there and get some of that
When people talk about how great China’s healthcare is they are basically lamenting that they don’t have it in their own country, and pointing out that it is achievable with the right kind of government and educated public.
And foreigners get shitty insurance because their health is not China’s responsibility, it’s the responsibility of a foreigner’s own government.
You realize foreigners (e.g. students, people on work visas) get shitty ass insurance that is nowhere near as good as the national insurance right?
Why should I care about this? I think you’l find it hard to find any socialized healthcare system that doesnt charge people who dont pay tax towards it???
Like is your understanding of ‘socialized healthcare’ just ‘when the government does stuff for free?’