Squad 44, Project Zomboid (b42) and Motor Town: Behind The Wheel, which is a MMO south korean logisitics/car game, really cool.
Squad 44, Project Zomboid (b42) and Motor Town: Behind The Wheel, which is a MMO south korean logisitics/car game, really cool.
It seems to try and give balance and nuance to literally anything you ask, I suspect when asked like you did its basically just RNG as to what it selects given the data set.
Here it is shitting the bed for example
can you remember anything about the instrumental? what instruments where playing?
on a tangent check these out tho
I don’t think any of the cops are viewed as heroes by the show. Even the main character’s starting motivation is self-interest and career advancement.
I would say McNulty and his motely crew of gestapo officers are potrayed sympathetically, the show keeps banging on about ‘real police work’ and suggests some work (mainly that of terrorizing the underclass) is considered ‘good police work’
The 2nd season is about the failure of the education system under capitalism
Partially, its also about how unions are full of fuckin failures and undermine their own workplaces through greed yadayada fuck the dock workers for asking for more money; the anti-union messaging in 2 is strong.
My ideas are also considering the authors later works, he made ‘we own this city’, which again focuses on Baltimore police and attempts hyper-realism - the issue is that again while hes able to potray these things realistically, the solutions they come to and try to push are for reforming the bad guys out of the police rather than addressing the root issues.
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Shit retelling, missing out a lot of information between those last two paragraphs, its completely one sided and western perspective biased.
No mention that the protestors where armed and had been lynching and burning alive unarmed police and civil servants? Like this happened days before martial law, and it was in response to it.
I wouldn’t say The Wire is conservative
I would argue it is, its based on the memoirs of a guy who shadowed the police for a year and it tends to view the police as ‘good guys and bad guys’ rather than structurally bad.
The way it potrays gangsters as well, while the reality of the gang soldier is accurately potrayed the gang leaders enter mythical figure territory pretty quickly lol.
Thats not to mention the subtle anti-union messaging of season 2; the show is certainly critical of the police, but its solutions dont consider legislation (look at the hamsterdam episode, its making fun of liberals).
Oh I meant more Saul and Walter respectively, should have clarified.
Jesse is like the vessell that the bored middle class guy gets to live his fantasy through, the stoner underachiever underclass that is Jesse; we find Jesse as a drug dealer on the run from the DEA and estranged from his parents.
Breaking bad is inherently conservative media, in the same way the wire is. Its a conservatives vision of the drug war and what would happen if the middle class white suburban dad decided to become a meth kingpin based soley on what the news has told him about what drug kingpins are like.
Racism doesnt even enter the conversation, which is kinda insane considering its 5 seasons focused on the police and a drug kingpin no? The drug war was made as a class and race war, yet the entire 2 show universe focuses on suburban white guys who have everything they could ever want before they decided to do adventurism into the underclass.
Yeah conservatives/dems really should be understood as a dialectic between two competing factions vying to be the driver of the american war machine, the differences in policy between them dont matter because they dont care about those either, they have there own agendas and will just say whatever to get elected.
Fun fact; every US president has said that UFOs are real, including obama. This practice goes right back to the 1950s; American presidents have teams, and those teams tell them what to say to who. Its all just a game to them.
Conservatives have historically been defined as having perpetual victim complexes, no amount of wins for them can reverse the victimhood for them; they will always be losing and winning at the same time.
They did do this and when I read the thread announcing the new rules literally every comment chain was about how fucking dumb the mods are for doing that lmao, I didnt read one comment in support of it of course.
The admins of antiwork will not listen to anyone, they’ve probably already written it off as ‘tankie bots’ and the notion of doing direct democracy with there userbase and not just ruling as a cheap imitation of a vanguard, just without the education, theory or ideological rigor to manifest it and convince people they are worth leading them outside of their mod discord server.
edit: the facade is breaking
Posting on a website ran by an upper class fascist is just giving your name to the upcoming hitlist
You could just go on X if you feel like it, no ones stopping you. I dont know why anyones surprised a ‘ML’ website doesnt want to host content by the literal richest person on the planet who just seig heiled on a TV multiple times.
Meta isn’t quite there yet, but heading in the same direction.
Not all US media is the same.
You’re right, some of it tells you to vote for the red team, the other tells you to vote for the blue team.
I agree, the US media isnt as bad as nazi germany, its worse!
flags of cool things, I have a flag hung up of my local anti-fox hunting chapter, its cool as fuck.
(up the sabs)